One day I saw the evil scientist turn a young dog into an old dog ,and he look like a crazy monster .he is the most evil scientist is the world.he turn people tobe crazy and old,people never want to go near him,this evil scientist look like a witch,and never be nice to anybody he always do something bad ,and in his lap there was there was a rat,a medicine,a big robotand the dog that iI see the last timeand when he want to go any where he don need to driving ,walking ,running to there ,he just use the remote control and click where he want to go to there.
One day the evil scientist change his mind he go to the city and turn every people turn to a dog ,and the dog turn into a people so that was the craziest city in the history of the very evil scientist.
The next day all the people meeting together to destroy the evil scientist, that day all the people training to fight with the evil scientist they train and train and train .And one more day all people and dog made a trap to caught the evil scientist ,one more day the evil scientist come to turn every body again and the people in the city have a trap already when the scientist come they all hide the scientist and the scientist walk and fall in the trap of all people in the city and when he get in the trap ,all the people attacked him and throw him into the sea ,and the scientist died ,and tall the people and dog turn into normal again,so they will happy ever after.
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