I went trick-or-treating with my best friends Sofi, Angela, and Ronisa . Our pillowcases were full of candy, and it was getting late, so my friends wanted to go home
I wanted some more candy so I turned to my friends and said, “Let’s knock on a few more doors and then head for home.”
They were worried because they thought it was already too late. “Let’s go home now,” they said to me. I told them not to worry because we could take a shortcut through the old forest.
So after a few more houses, I took my friends to the path that went through the forest. We walked for about a half an hour and then, suddenly, I felt very strange. I couldn’t remember the way! It was dark and foggy. We were lost. And to make matters worse, it started to rain. And then, it started to pour. Lightning lit up the sky and it had a little light then everything went dark again . We wandered around in the rain for over two hours. We were tired . And then, at about midnight, I saw an old abandoned house on a hill.
“I think we’ll have to spend the night in that old house and wait till morning,” I said.
My friends didn’t think it was a good idea, but they were cold and wet, so they agreed. We walked up the old wooden steps to the front door. The door creaked open and we went inside, sat down, and started to eat a chocolate bar, when the door closed by itself. Everybody looked at the door. We had a little scared but we still eat our candy.The house was had 2 floor. It was dirty and very old. Some part of the wall was break. It danger to stayed here too long. When we were talking, we saw a shadow at the second floor.
Pour : rain heavily without stopping
Wander :walk slowly no direction
Shortcut : a short way , easy way to go somewhere
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Students Life
I love to be student life, because student life make me so perfect once and I can make new friends. But this way its have so many complicated too because its too hard to walk this way with friends and teachers some streets are so hard to walk if we didn't try it well but we must walk even we don't want or what !!! In students life we always meet something that we couldn't believe if we poor at study we have to try it hard no once can help us even angle come to teach you... :] So don't just think you are rich you didn't study because your parents can't live longer can give you money everyday. IF we have knowledge don't worry about money..... money will run into you. In students life you have to try it hard study well and please don't think of another problem. Sometimes i feel tired about study because its made me too stress i just called my friends and let hung out together or listen to music etc... so when I back home I'm feel so relaxing without stress :D some students said " they hate to study but they love students life " how cool is that ? its so fun once but i still love to study, study make mylife to a bright future :]
Around the world everyone need friends and communicate if we have no friends? How could we communicate? That we need friends sometimes friends are more than family when we sad we can talk to them because some problem family can't solve it. Such as me I also have many friends and i never wanna make enermies, when I'm sad I have no ones that make me believe to tell my problems except my friends they always near me and next to me I love them such as my new family they are cool everything!!! That why I wanna to lose friends I just want to make new friends....I never know before that friends is good than family just now i got it... it's real once for me :]
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
My Best Friend

Best Friend whom one share the strongest possible kind of friendship and probably My Bestfriend is one of my classmates.Her name is Lita and we have know each other for 5 years.I would say She is pretty and has a long black hair,has a sharp-pointed nose.She is tall enough and quiet slim.She doesn't like much about make up or dress up so I only see She wear a t-shirt with her trousers.
we always talking or laughing about something.She has very nice personality and has a sense of humor but She can also get a depressed from time to time.we are interested in many of same hobbies.We enjoy music and reading well.
I know I can rely on her even when our lives get busy we still make time to meet each other.I can't imagine if in a day ahead I go to the university without her.It's so bad.We are lucky that we complement each other and that we get along so well and well.
I hope our friendship will continue and be as strong after we graduate from high school.
Monday, 5 December 2011
My lovely aunt
All of my relative. I like my aunt Sophal the best She's my mother oldest sister. she has never married and she lives all a lone in a small village near Takeo province. She's in her late fifties but she's still quite young in sirit . She has a fair complexion, curly gray hair, and deep brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her the first thing you notice a bout her is her warn, friendly smile, her face is a little lened now but I think she still rather attractive. She is the kind of person you can always go to if you have any problem.
Aunt Sophal like readind and gardening and she likes to take her dog. JOJO for long walk in her small nice garden behind her house. She's a very active person . Either she's making something or mending something or doing something to help others. She does shopping for some old people in the village. she's extremly generous, but not very tolerant of people. Who don't agree with her. I hope that I am as contented as she is when I am her age ( but I think I'll get married).
A Holiday Horror Story....
After Christmas two years ago Peter and Maria decided to go away for New year. They didn't want to stay in the hotel with crowds of people and they were delighted when they saw an advertisement in the "Sunday Time " for a holiday flat in the village near Oxford. It was ordinary flat. It was on the top floor of an old Elizabethan mansion. They booked it , and on New year's Eve they set of in the car. It was raining and freezing cold, they wre happy and excited.
They have been driving for three hours when they saw the house in the distance. It looked magnificent with all chimveys and a long- wide drive . They drove up to the house, went up the steps to the huge front door and knocked..... nothing happened. They knocked again. The door opened and a small wild-looking old lady stood there...
When they got outside again the rain had turned to snow they ran to the car and laughing. They felt that they have been released from a prison and now they
Do animal have feeling?????
All pets owner would say "YES" Molly the dog and whiskers all can can feel angry, depressed, neglected, happy, even jealous and guilty.
Many scientists, However, are sceptical a bout giving animals the full arrange of emotions is that it is impossible to prove that even a human being is feeling happy or sad. Infact, it is only because we can observed body language and facial expression that we can deduce it. And of course humans can express the emotion with language.
However, most researcher do ag
I'm Proud To Live in Cambodia

I'm pleasure to introduce all of you about my country which is Cambodia.Cambodia,officially know as Kingdom of Wonder.Cambodia is where I'm born,I'm living.I really love my own country.
Cambodia has an area 181,035 square km.Even though It is a bit small country but There is a such a great country.Angkor Wat Temple is the symbol of Cambodia.Tourist who traveled to Cambodia never forgot about Angkor Wat,another way The beaches in Sihaknouk Ville and Phnom Penh are also the main attractions for foreign Tourists.In Phnom Penh the international airport which we call Pochentong International Airport and in Siem Reap also has an airport which is Siem Reap International Airport.Cambodia totally have two rail lines,totally about 612 km that is 380km of single but with assistance and equipment from other countries which are charitable,Cambodia have been upgrading the main highways to international standards and most are vastly improved and Now Most main road are paved.Theravada Buddhism is the official religion in Cambodia.Most People in Cambodia are Buddhist.Cambodia is the member of ASIAN development bank.
Cambodia such a great country so That's why I'm proud to live in there. :)
heavy World
How many people are there in this world and How many animal are there in this world?
We can't know about it clearly we just guess or predict it.Some people said there are nearly 7000 million people and other said in 2050 there will have 9000 million people around the world.So what You Should Think about this ?Do you think 9000 million are a few or alot?
Please look at the Republic of China You can see there are nearly 1500 million this amount is so high,And in India you can see there are more than 1200 million people.So how to solve this problem.Now in the development country and developing country ,they build the skyscraper for all those people to work and live ,and they build some condominium for people to rent or buy it to live .So they don't worry about that amount of people.If there are more people the buildings is higher and higher this is not the problem, but the problem is :What should we do when building is fallen down by something or build without technology?What will happen to the people in the building?
If we don't want to face all of this fact We should not many children,help yourself out of having child.We don't mean that you must not have a child.you can have them it's ok but not too many?
You should think that more people more money more times and more everything.
Plan for the future
Everybody alway think about their future. You could think,too. If you want to have a good future, you should study-hard from today on. If you want to be a good student, you should make you own plan for your future. Just think about it. It isn't a bad idea.
For my future, I want to be a business woman. So I should study English because in my future I will have a conversation with another people about my business. So now I have studying-hard and help my parents to do their business because I think my parents 's business is my lesson or my experience for my business future. I think I can do it.You can do it, too if you try and don't give up, don't care if you make a mistake, try to think that it is the best thing that you can do.
Nowadays, have a million job, so choose one that you like and try to do. Just make your dream become true. Your mistake is your experience don't worry about it. Do the best thing that you can just like me. When I study, I make a lot of mistake and the teacher alway blame me but I don't angry because I can change it.
Make the plan for the future is not difficult. Today You don't want to think just tomorrow think about it. Today you do your plan 50%. Tomorrow you will finish it. Are you ready to make your own dream become true. I hope you can.!!!!!!!!!Good student!!!!!Good future!!!!!
Hard-working girl
Nima was a poor girl in the village. Her mother was dead. Her father was sick.
They were live in the small cottage near the lake. Nima was 15 years old. She has no school. She was a hard- working girl. Everyday, she has to help the people in the village, and they will gave her a money about 5,000 riel to 6,000riel. When she got the money, she was going to buy medicine, food to her father in the cottage. Another children in the village didn't like her because she was poor and awful. They were look down her very much.
Until one day, her father was dead.
About 1 or 2 month ago, in the night she was dream about her father that came to told her that " my dear! my poor daughter! Under your bed has a old ring. It was your mother's ring. You must keep it carefully. And 3 days ago, in the village will has a business ship came you must gave it to the old business. And he will gave you a small key. Then you has to went to the old temple in the forest that I used to tell you before. And you will saw a small door behind the statue. You has open it. You will saw a............"
In the morning, Nima was see the old ring. She was keep it and hide it. 3 days ago, the old ship was coming in the evening then she was running to the ship and gave a ring to the business. Suddenly the business was cry and gave her a key.
Tomorrow, in the morning, she was going to the forest to found the temple. Soon, she saw it. She was open the door and took the key from the pocket and opened the small door behind the statue. Immediately, she saw her mother's photo with a lot of gold in the box.
From that day, Nima was a very rich woman in the village and she also help the poor people and she has built a free school for the children.
I can change my Friend
Yesterday, I came to Khmer school and I bought a plenty of cookie to share with my all friends. It was very happy.
Suddenly, I saw my old friend. She was nika. But at that time, my another friend was coming ,too. She's name pich. She used to argue with nika because nika made her khmer's book lost last week. But nika has bought a new book and tried to wrote all the lesson to gave pich but pich didn't take it and blamed very badly to nika back.
At that moment, they looked very angry and didn't happy like another people. When I saw that, I was going to them and help them to be find and relax but they didn't care and blamed to me either. But I just clam down and gave them a cookie but they didn't eat and throw it away. So I said that" what's up with you,two. I tried to speak to you and help you to became a friend again but you didn't care and throw the cookie away either " what do you want?" "OK! Now, you, two let's fright. And I will took your pictures and gave you". Then I was walking away to another friends group.
Tomorrow, has come, today I saw nika and pich were going to took my cookie and said " sorry" to me. After then, we were eating together. They were my real best friends.
My new cell phone
Last weekend, It was my birthday. So my parents bought a new cell phone to give me. It was very expensive and beautiful. I loved it.
On monday last week, in the morning, I started to use my new cell phone. When I opened the box of it. I feel strange. But I didn't care. While I walked to school in the morning, the phone rang but I didn't see the phone number and when I picked it up. It was no answer back to me. And I continuous to walk.
In my class, while the teacher taught the lesson my phone was ringing. The teacher was blame me. And then, I put silent in my phone but one hours later the phone was ring again but I remembered that I has just put the silent already but why it rang again?.
At 5:00, in the evening, I came back from school and went home to relax because today my teacher was blame me a lot about the stupid phone. At night, about midnight the phone rang and I picked it up but it was no answer and no number, too.
From that night, in the midnight my phone always rang and no answer. So I decided to tell my mom about it and my mom said "OK! dear, tonight I will slept with you". That night the phone was ring and my mom picked it up and listened. Suddenly, my mom was very afraid because she heard the voice from the back side said" let's me out of here! I didn't want to live in here. Please help me! Help me" with the strong wind's voice. My mom was frightening.
Tomorrow, in the morning, my parents decided to sell this bad phone. They thought that something strange was in the phone. It was a bad luck. Then, they bought a new one for me.
My real good teacher

Hello! Everybody my name is Theary. I am studying at ACE. It is a good school. I studying in here with a very good teachers and very good best friends.
My teacher's name is Philip. I thought he is about 27 or 28 years old. He is handsome with no hair. He is a good teacher because when I studying with him I can improve my reading and my writing a lot. He is pay attention to taught us. He has a lot of idea to create a lesson to be a very interest and easy to understand like create a blog to improve my writing, spelling bee, play games about writing, and do a very interesting homework. But he doesn't give me a lot of homework. So I have a lot of free time to do Khmer homework or join the book club that can improve my reading either.
Overall, I hope that I will met him again next term. And I don't have word to said without the word " Thank you very much" and all of us promise that we will become a good students.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Good Bye My Blog
This is my last post.I don't want to say goodbye to blog.But it now time to say good bye to you.It really fast time not wait for anyone.I want to thank you blog you improve my knowledge.It was really fun and happy when I am writing blog but a little bit bored and tired.Sometime you make me feel lazy.
When I heard my teacher said Monday is last day for the blog and he keep time only three days it make me really worried and nervous I just start think that how the blog can I write in only three days.I try my best to writing the story it make me really tired.I am writing only 17 posts.
I want to says thank to you.You make me improve my brain and my think.You improve my writing so Thanks you blog!! I hope I can see you in next term^^ I love you my lovely blog
Good bye my blog!!
For teacher I only have word thank to you that you give time for us to try our best to write the blog until Monday.You give time for us to write the blog to can get good score us we can.I hope you enjoys my story and our story :)
When I heard my teacher said Monday is last day for the blog and he keep time only three days it make me really worried and nervous I just start think that how the blog can I write in only three days.I try my best to writing the story it make me really tired.I am writing only 17 posts.
I want to says thank to you.You make me improve my brain and my think.You improve my writing so Thanks you blog!! I hope I can see you in next term^^ I love you my lovely blog
Good bye my blog!!
For teacher I only have word thank to you that you give time for us to try our best to write the blog until Monday.You give time for us to write the blog to can get good score us we can.I hope you enjoys my story and our story :)

Phnom Penh is the capital city in Cambodia.Phnom Penh is the good place to live.In Phnom Penh there have got a lot of people live and work here.
Phnom Penh have alot of place to go like royal palace , museum , pagoda , and river side.In Phnom Penh there have got a lot of super market , houses , flat , villa , and some condo.
I'm lucky that I have life in Phnom Penh.I love Phnom Penh.Phom Penh is the good place to live.Phnom Penh is my life.I'm happy to live in Phnom Penh.Love Love PHNOM PENH.
My Tired Sunday
In this Sunday it is getting tired to me because I just sit in front of the computer and sit on the chair for writing the blog.I was very get hurt on my shoulder so much.And it was very tired but a little bit fun because however writing blog is very tired but it can help me become better writing more than before.
But it make me a little bit bored too because it make me can't do anything just think and writing blog.
I am a little bit getting headache because I sit in front of computer for 4 5 hours.It was really make me tired because I try my best to writing blog.
But I want to tell that however the blog make me tired but it give fun and help me to become better writing.
But it make me a little bit bored too because it make me can't do anything just think and writing blog.
I am a little bit getting headache because I sit in front of computer for 4 5 hours.It was really make me tired because I try my best to writing blog.
But I want to tell that however the blog make me tired but it give fun and help me to become better writing.
Our Class

I have been studying at ACE for 3 terms. The first time was very bad for me. I could only listen to what teacher was talking,but the worse is that I could not talk back. I was scared of asking something. The 2nd term seems like the first. In class , there were 3 students from another school. They were talkative. Every time of learning, I never speak. I just sit, write, listen, laugh and smile. I hate that moment so much.... .
But when term 3 was just began, I feel that I'm brave enough to speak. No need to scared of anything. I just speak the way I was. No grammar, no correction. I used my own words to talk. Then around 1 month, I knew that my English is improved. And more interesting is that i could make a blog. Everyone felt strange at the first time of doing this. So do I.
On 2nd and the second month of yl10, at one day when i changed the time to study in the morning was an embarrassing day. I arrived school at 7:43 am and walked inside the class. But when i reached in front of the class, it was black out. Then i turned the light on. I waited to long for all my friends. But then i went to the receptionist and get a paper.
Then i realized that i was wrong. The class start at 8:45 so I had to wait for 1 hour and 2 minutes.... :D
Today is Sunday 04th December, It will be the last time that i publish blog in this www.yl10bloggers.blogpot.com. I didn't know what should i write about. Then I decided to write what in my mind..... . The last thing that I'm going to show is the real picture of my class. I took it in my embarrassing day. Just have a look guy........^^
Tell Me Good Bye

Today is Sunday,my last day on this blog. Teacher said,We can write our story that we think are good for our score of the end of this term till Monday.I feel very worried about it. What can i do? I can't think about things that I could write on the blog. However today I'm going to finish my post work with 10 publish posts. I thought that everyone would think( What? 10? Are u kidding me?). So stop u thinking! I'm not like you! Wrote for score! Don't cared much about the story.(Really boring!!!!).
I don't really mean to criticied you! So don't care about it much! To my teacher, Philip ,I really like yours teaching, but sometime I feel like you unfair to boys,anyway I still like you! Don't angry with me or give me 00 points for my scores of the end of the term,ok? Because,I don't like liar! Especially the person that I trusted on (he/she.)
I've spent a lot of time on this blog! So it's time to finish.Everythings on this universe alway started from the first but still finish at the end even you don't want. I just have to say bad bye to this blog! ( You will think I lost my mind, Why I wrote Bad Bye! Think yourself if u genius).
helping ghost
One day I was ride a motorbike suddenly I saw one accident was the car crash with a motor.And someone that ride a motor was dead And the car ran a way and no one got a girl that dead. And I ride a motor to my home It was may be 6:30pm.
And at night I was dream.First I saw a girl walked to me and asked me that "Can you helped me? I was the girl that ride amotor and a car crashed me. I didn't have a family or parents. Can you helped to find who crashed me, please?And got my body to pagoda please. and I saw yes and i asked that what is your name and how old are you and can you tell me about your personality? She said that Her name is CAMBE she's 18years old. she work in one house.And she will come to my dream every night to help me to find the car that crashed her. If i can find she will stop come in my dream. And i said that i will helped her to fought this car." When I woke up and I told my mom about this and my mom said that she will helped. 2 or3 days later I and my mom could find the one that crashed CAMBE and the car crashed CAMBE was a girl. She said that "she crashed CAMBE because she hated CAMBE and wanted to kill her because she disputed over CAMBE's boyfriend but CAMBE's boyfriend didn't love her because he loved CAMBE so much. She think that If she killed CAMBE she kill get CAMBE boyfriend. But CAMBE's boyfriend still didn't love her too. Then she will go to jail.
In the end CAMBE went back to her places and say thanks to me and my mom especially she never came to my dream.
Thee best places to Buy-and Be!

In and age where you can buy almost anything on the Internet, thousands of people all over the world still prefer to do their shopping in traditional places. In general, shoppers look for bargains, and the best prices are usually found in the street markets. Many markets a round the world have a similar things, such as the night markets in Taipei, Taiwan, the Izmailovsky Flea market outside Moscow, and Camden market in London.
Camden market is one of the most -visited tourist sites in London, and it attracts a bout 100,000 visitors every weekend. It is a lively place, with crowds and live music. If you like to search for bargain. this is the place. there are hundreds of shop and artist's studios selling a wide variety goods- from vintage and casual clothing to piece of atr, furnishings, antiques, jewelry, records and CDs, and international foods. Camden has something for very taste and pocket.
Today Camden market is the place to be. It doesn't have one look- it has hundreds. Some people dress in outrageous clothes, with different hair colors and looks, as they try to show their sense style and individuality. Famous clothes and designer Gallino loves Camden, anf goes there whenever he can.
So does designer Jean paul Gaultier. Dolce and Gabanna, are aloso part of crowd, giving Camden a new fashionable status. They all probably go their looking for inspiration and the latest trends.
Visitor go Camden market for more than shopping. People watching is robably the gratest sport here. You sewe an amazing cross section of society and tourists from around the world. Many feel that the "mix"is part of the attraction of these markets.
I Love My Teacher^^
Hello everyone^^!Now it nearly the end of the term it mean that it nearly the end of study with my teacher Philip.When I study with him he also me get more knowledge and education.He have one program that make our writing become better is blog.My teacher is a good teacher.He always explain lesson to us clearly and make us easy to understand it clearly.He teach us to become better in writing,listening and reading.When I study with him it was really fun and full of happy.He always give the lack of story to us for complete.Also he always give some word call spelling B for us to write.Spelling B can help us know about more word and can remember the words clearly.
I want to tell my teacher that you are very good teacher for me you help me to get more knowledge so I will not forget time when I study with you.Thanks you teacher for teaching me^^
I want to tell my teacher that you are very good teacher for me you help me to get more knowledge so I will not forget time when I study with you.Thanks you teacher for teaching me^^

This is the last day and also the last hour that i'm using you blog! When the first time i started to write on u was the first time that i know you and love you! I wish that i never forget you and you never forget me to! If there is a chance i want to get back at the first day in yl 10 and tell you that i love you. And now i want to tell everyone that my true feeling about blog. I love YOu blog!! I wish i could see you again in next term!!! I MISS YOU!! And GOOD BYE BLOG!!!!!!!!!
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