Do you know? What will happen tomorrow? Can you guess it?. I don' know, you don't know." Who 's know?". So no one know it but except the time. The time are also know it clearly.
Rex was a very rich young man and very handsome in the country, he never care about everything happen. He never care the people around him " what did they feel?". He was unfriendly and cruel. He was about 21 or 22 years old. His best friend's name Ken. And he has a lot of girl wanted to be his girlfriend. So he always changed girlfriend everyday. Until one day....... .
He met Mary. Mary was a pretty girl and lives with her mother in the country that rent the house near Rex's villa. She fell in love with Rex. And Rex feels that " He loved her" but he didn't know him self. He just feel it.
About, 2 month later, today was a Rex 's birthday. So he was invite Mary to his party at his house. When the party has started, Rex saw a very beautiful angel on his face. She was Mary in the white dress. She was so pretty. On that moment, Rex was knew that He loved her. So After the party, Rex decided to tell the truth about his heart to her but he can't. He was shy. And Ken knew that only Mary can changed Rex to be a good man and knew the feel from the people around him feel.
The day after tomorrow, Rex wanted to tell her about his feel. So he bought a plenty of flowers and a very expensive ring to gave her. He wanted to marry with her very much. And he hope that he will has a social life with her.
The day has come,in the night about 7:30, Rex was going to Mary 's house with a lot things. But tonight Mary was coming home late, So Rex has to waited.
Two hours later,he didn't see her but while he look at the door the phone rang and Mary's mother was pick it up "Hello!" and the sound from the other side said " Oh! Yes Hello! I called from the hospital " Your daughter has an accident very badly and please come quickly because she nearly to dead".Mary's mother was cry and told Rex about it. They were coming to the hospital very quickly as they can. But when they came Mary was already dead. Rex was start to cry and he started to think that " The time didn't wait to everybody. The people can bought the clock but they can't buy the time. Everybody in the world didn't know what happen tomorrow to them? ,So tried to do the best thing to people around us. Rex was rue. If he told the truth to Mary in his birthday's party, she will know and she will marry with him but now everything just a dream for him. If the clock stop run, the sun stop rise but my loved for Mary will still forever".
very good and sad story