Thursday, 24 November 2011

a strange teacher in my class

teacher angry because the student wouldn't study properly, a teacher went crazy in the classroom,yesterday Hi every one ! today I want tell you about a crazy teacher in my class . every day when he came to teach he always serious and don't have any fun to tell the all student in my class.but today the teacheris very strange he only teacher one and a half hour and then he let said have a break time so a student was think to day if my teacher have a smell I really happy . the break time is already and the teacher was came back and take a smell in to the class then he laughed and said " this is me kevin I want to say I'm hungry now i want to eat all of you in this class" the all studdent in the class were think to day msybe the teacher have any fun to show us then we laugh . suddenly the teacher was catch a boy and said i want to eat you then the boy was shout and cried . then I know that is not my teacher so I tell all my friend "go go go........ leave this class then the teacher run follow me I'm very scared then I saw a boy don't wear the jacket and I ask him where is your jacket he said "I'm scare so i don't know why I don't have the jacket , why you look at me don't look at me because it not fun " . I went to told the any teacher my teacher is crazy now and then the car from hospital came and take my teacher to the hospital and the doctor said your teacher was loses his mind . hahahaha......................! thank you for looking...

Strange Teacher

Teacher angry because the students wouldn't study properly , a teacher went crazy in the classroom , yesterday . He is a chemical teacher . We was studying in the class very quietly only a few hours teacher had gotten a huge mouth with a big teeth . He made us so scared . immediately we ran out of class and shouted for somebody help . We knew that our school was far a way from their town maybe 3 or 4 kilometers . He caught one boy that sit near me and wanted to kill him . But at that time I got a chair on my hands and through it to the teacher's head . He looked at me and try to chase me . I ran very quickly as possible as I could . I knew that already that my teacher got lost his mind .

He ran very faster than me . I was very tired and I couldn't go on so I turn back and hit him a very heavy power with my right hand . He still lost his mind and crazy than before . I called a few friends to help me and my teacher got stronger than before too . But no one could help me only my self try to escape from him , but now he really like a wolf and ran very quickly . I turned back to the school and went to chemical room . I try to find the medicine but I can't he knew I was in chemical room and came over and smell . I didn't breath till he went out the room . Then I found a strange medicine that I ever saw my teacher took this medicine . It the flu medicine but it not . it a chemical medicine that made him lost his mind . I looked for another chemical medicine . Now I found a power medicine that i can control him . I drank maybe 2 of tea cups . And then Ah Oh ......... !

It started strange in my head and I got a big body with the body of my teacher is wolf . But I was bigger than him because I drank 2 of tea cups . I had a lots of feather full my body . I howl like a dog and I try to find him but I didn't see him at school . I ran to the town too fast . I saw him try to eat the child I ran to him and bite him on his neck . He moved and try to escape from my teeth . He moved his neck out of my teeth and jump forward to my neck also . I turn to left and hit him with my left hand . He started headache and try to kill me . I ran to escape from him but he follow me . Finally I saw a sharp steel and stapped him with the steel . He felt to the ground and a few minutes police arrived and make a reported . He was dead and when police I ran into the forest until I became a human . Now my school never had a teacher that lost his mind .

Teatcher Found Dead

The body of a very unpopular English teacher was found n his classroom yeaterday . The police suspect that he was murderred by one of his students. The students had been complaining about some homework that they don't understand the teacher before died
do it and the teacher don't explain them so it make the students feel angry , and the lack of fun in the class .DO YOU BELIEVE IT? IS IT TRUE?
yesterday was wednesday the students come to school normally but when they go into the class during study, the teacher blame them but they didn't say anything because they knew that it their mistakes. some students say that the teacher crazy so the teacher was very angry and take the big ruler to fight all of the students in class. One student complaining that he doesn't do anything wrong why the teacher fight him. at those time the student was very angry when time to go home all of the students go home . but this student didn't go because he wait until the teacher come out from office room and kill him by the samurai in his bag and after the teacher die he cut his neck his arm his legs and put the teacher neck next to his class room may be he want every body saw and his arm and his legs the student put it in the teacher room. This action was saw by 1 of the student that sudy with him because she have a stomache and she go to the bath room when see got out she see all of the action that the bad student do. This bad student's name peter. Tomorrow when every come to school in the morning some student shout loudly bvecause they saw the dead of the teacher they very scare and the director call the police after he saw the that.

When the police arrived the police suspect that he was mudered by one of his student and the police call all of his student to the police room to ask some question but Peter didn't come . the girl that saw this action yesterday told all of this murder action to the police . the police suspect to peter . Now the police going to find peter.

from ACE newspaper
23rd November 2011

Teacher goes crazy by student

Teacher goes crazy in Phnom Penh School.Because of students wouldn't study properly.

In one school had students in one room was very noisy and didn't have any teachers can teach in this class.And one day had one of the teacher came to teach.And when he went to this class, he saw that" the students in this class was good why other teachers said that they difficult to teach?" And then,he started to teach and wrote on the board 5 or 6 minutes he heard a very noisy sound.Then he looked back at the students and saw that "some student was playing with their friend.Some students was listening to music and playing something that was noisy."Then,when he saw that he was very angry and he shouted to stop , but didn't had any students followed him.Then he was angry and angry.He wanted to fight them.And then students in this class started get something threw to him and said impolite words to him.Then he was sit down and was very angry.

After 4 or 5 minute he was stand up ,but he couldn't stand.He didn't know why he couldn't away from chair?He started thought of the students that "they must be do it."He stand up with the chair and he was blame to them, but one of this students stand up and blame to him with impolite words.then all the students in this class started laugh of him.Finally, he was angry and started crazy and crazy and he run and go away this school.So,all the teachers were crazy when they teach this class.

My crazy teacher

My teacher was angry because the student wouldn't study properly,a teacher went crazy in the classroom,yesterday.
Today i don't want to went to school.i am afraid with my teacher,my father called me, (it time to study son).i told him him back i had a fever,so my dad ran to bought a medicine for me.when he came back he gave me to drank a medicine,but i didn't father was angry so much,and i told him i am okay,Now i want to went to school and my feel was very afraid with my teacher,so i ran to school quickly,when i am at school i didn't want to go into the class.i am waited my frie3nd and go with him.i am waiting him for 30minuths,so i ran to my classroom and i opened the door.when i an opened the the teacher was shout,why you were came late?,i told her back i had a traffic jam,so the teacher gave me to sit and he told me,next time don't late again.if i see you late again i will give you to clean the toilet.when i study finished i will ran to home quickly and i told my father next time don't gave me to drank medicine again and i went to my room and cry so much.when i cry already i will slept.when i got up up it time for me to went to school and i am very hungry,but when i ate breakfast i will late to school,so i ran to school at the time and i went to sit on my please.i will waiting her for 2minuth.when my teacher opened the door i saw she was crazy and she wanted to kill the students and had one knife on her hand.when i saw the teacher should be like this i will ran out of my classroom and my teacher ran to kill the student,so i shout,help me please my teacher was crazy guard was come and caught my teacher and got her to the hospital.when i went home i told it to my father and my father was very angry and stopped give to study at those school and my crazy teacher was dead.

Teacher kills his students for drugs

The body of a very unpopular English teacher was found in his class room yesterday.The police suspect that he was murdered by three of his students.Yesterday my teacher came in my classroom and said ''I will kill you and all of your friends''.I thought that he was joking to me and i laugh .When the teacher was sitting and he started shout '' Today we don't have to do every thing and i will kill all of you.All of the students laughed.When I looked at his bag , The bag was full of swords , knifes and guns .I asked the teacher ''Why today you bring many toys ?'' and He told me '' It's not the toys''.I strange thought of his talking .Next the teachers brought some peace of papers and put the number .The teacher brought it to the students and let each student chooses one . I got number four .The teacher asked the student''Who got number one? .One of my friend stood up and went to the teacher chair. They were talking and I didn't know what were they talking about. When they finished talking , The student gave the teacher all the money and the teacher stabbed the student a knife.All of the students wanted to go out of the room but the door was locked .The teacher kill the student number two and number three by a gun .I got number four and i know next is me . He ran to me and started to stab me but it was very lucky .The police arrived on time and shoot the teacher.The teacher couldn't kill me and the police told that the teacher needed the money to buy the drugs.In my life I couldn't forget what happened in my class that the teacher killed three of my friends.

The Teacher crazy because of The students

Teacher goes crazy in Phnom Penh school, angry because the students wouldn't study properly, a teacher went crazy in the classroom yesterday. What did the students do to the teacher?? What did the teacher do and say and was the problem solved??

There was a new teacher yesterday. The teacher yesterday was a man but his brain wasn't good.
He easily to get angry. That teacher taught math. And one day there was two new naughty students came to my class. I didn't know why those two boys always act like crazy and always made the math teacher angry, fortunately the teacher always brought his pills. But one day the teacher forgot his pills and the boys made the teacher angry again like everyday. And then the teacher became very very very angry!!! That time he got the long ruler and hit those two boys. The teacher didn't stop angry. And he shouted and he screamed to those two boys to go out the class. The teacher didn't stay still, he always shaked his body every after one minute. That was ridiculous all of the students in the class were LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!!!!! The teacher became shy and then he went to his house and drank his pill. He would be shy. The next morning i didn't see him, i thought myself that maybe he quit! Well, maybe yes because i didn't see him about two weeks!

I think that teacher should stay at home and stop being a teacher because the some teachers are still young but when he/she goes to work as the teacher he/she will get older, because of the students.

Behind The Murder

The body of a very unpopular English teacher was found in his classroom yesterday.The police suspect that he was murdered by one of his students.The students had been complaining about the amount of homework that they had to do, and the lack of fun in class.So they called the student who the person that they suspect is a murder to ask about what happen.The student said that he surely complained with the teacher about homework he honestly said that he was really hate this teacher and angry him but he doesn't want to kill the teacher.When the police hear that he also think that a very young student doesn't have honest to kill a person also but he still just suspect the student.So they bring the student to police station to imprison.
After that police call the next person who they suspect to ask.The next person is the men who always argue with the dead person because when they ask the neighbor the neighbor said that yesterday before this teacher is murder the teacher and men were have seriously argue about their child were fighting each other so they are really very argue about that because they are really hate each other until the men threaten the teacher that one day he will kill the teacher.When they know that they call the men for ask the men said that he honestly said that he want to kill the teacher but he not yet kill because when the yesterday night he still stayed at home 24 hours with his family not go anywhere because at those day he was really sick why he can go tho kill the teacher at the school? When the men told that the police the police think that it really true because now the men still look pale but he still just bring the men to stay at home don't let to go anywhere until they find the true.
The police was really dizzy because this story difficult to find about reason.They always try their best to find the reason of this dead.One day everything maybe gonna to solve when the police ask the guard about what he know? the guard think for minute and then he said that " I remember those day when maybe 7:30 or 8:00pm when I was gonna to see the door in the school I heard the sound like people was argue when I was gonna to see what was happen I see the dead teacher and one men was had seriously argue about the dead teacher owe money the men 2000$ because the dead teacher is person like to play game very much.When the men ask him to pay back he don't want to pay it back so he got very argue each other until they fight each other the dead teacher try to kill the men but the men is a gangster so the men bring the knife to stab to the teacher the teacher die immediately because it the his heart then the men run away ''. After the police know that he ask the guard '' Did you remember the men face?" " Yes " the guard answer.So the police bring the men to ask what happen first the men not answer that he kill the teacher but when the police bring the knife to check mark fingers that this men is person who kill the teacher so the men answer that he kill the teacher.
The police bring this men to the judge.And the student and the sick men are now freedom.

Teacher murdered

The body of a very unpopular English teacher was found in his classroom yesterday. The police suspect that he was murdered by one of his students. The students had been complaining about the amount of homework that they had to do, and the lack of fun in class.

The police asked the students about the story between the teacher and them. But no one talk anything. So the police asked the students one by one. After that the police suspect one student. Because they saw that student is unusual. The police took him to one room to ask him. First he didn't want to answer but a moment later he answered. He said everything is about the teacher fault. The students is bored and stress they want to relax. They ask the teacher to relax. It's too much lesson and they have homework. But he didn't listen. Everyday he always gave homework to them and study a lot. He don't like joking so he don't let us talk jokes in the class,too. He said we are come to learn not come for talking jokes. So we can't talk to each other. We don't have free time in the class. He said he is a student that has lowest point. So when he study with him new teacher he very stress. He want to relax. He is very angry with the teacher. And in the moment one idea has appear in him head. First he think it a crazy idea but when he look at the lesson and homework that he need to do. He change him mind he said he must do it. So he follow his teacher everyday. One day all the student get out the class and the teacher was preparing his things on the table. And he decided to do it today. He brought a knife in his hand and went near the teacher. Then he stab the teacher neck and the teacher fell on the floor. He stab the teacher again and again. In fact his idea is kill his teacher. His teacher blood was fill in the floor and his T-shirt and face. After that he ran out the room and went home. He wash his face and took his clothes out. He burn his blood clothes. He didn't think he need to hide himself and he didn't want this story in mystery,too. He tell the police all the story. Then the police took him to jail. Finally the story is The End.

The idiot teacher

Angry because the students wouldn't study properly,a teacher went crazy in the classroom yesterday .
What did the students do to make the teacher lose his minds ? What did the teacher do and say and was problem solved?

Yesterday In the classroom Rony,The teacher who was very polite and kind to the students. He taught the students very hard,He explained again and again and step by step. Normally He always told the students to kept silent and
pay attention while He was explaining . But one day a group of students in the class made a trouble and was talking in the class so Rony said " hey guy! you should shut up now, if not you will be deducted the score by me " . Then, they was quiet and sat properly.

After two or three hours later the students was so noisy and made the class be very messy. So Rony stood up and said to them" Hey students please stop talking "Then They didn't stop So the teacher looked so madness and He walked straight to the students and said :" you gonna made me feel strong enough to fight you and throw you away" Then He called steven, the smart student in the class and He was also the leader of the talking student, Rony caught him and fought him for the punishment.One student called the polices and tell about this to the polices.

15 minutes later The polices arrived and surrounded the class after the polices got success to capture the very stupid teacher , the polices found that there were 5 students got injury with their legs and face.And after 4 weeks the students found that Rony was imprisoned for 7 years.

My idea I thought this problem caused from the student that they didn't listen to the teacher while He was teaching.We should punish the student too. from kimkimbanu

The dead body

A few weeks ago there was a new teacher showed up .That teacher was very mean and gave too much homework for the students.One day when he came to school he saw his students doing something very weird so he stood there and looked at them for a moment and went back to his office.

In class,the students were very quiet and were not complaining about anything.At night when he was about to go home and he was murdered.

The body of a very unpopular English teacher was found in his class room yesterday.The police suspect that he was murdered by one of his students.The students had been complaining about the amount of homework that they had to do,and the lack of fun in class.

A few weeks later the students were not talking to anyone else but their friends.Two days later the police came and told the principal that they found out who the murderer is and it was not his students.In the end the police caught the murderer and the students studied happily.

TEACHER goes crazy because of her STUDENT

ONE story that happened in one school in PNHOM PENH..!IT so unbelievable but it can happened..!It so scared,,,,
ONE woman in the class goes crazy because of her much students..WOW! why's that?
maybe the student don't study?? don't do homework??? have a loud??? they so rude???
they sing in the class??
accordingly some student and stuff said ''this teacher so naughty than the tiger!!'' one the student said ''I difficult to study with this tiger!she so naughty and have a lot of homework for us!IF we don't do or forgot the homework she fight us!and want me stand in the middle of the school (flag)!'' an other student said''yeah!!the word of two the student are alright! that she so naughty! she always flagellation on my body!she never know about my mind!i always say SORRY SORRY and SORRY to she but she never understand.!she still flagellate me!i just forgot the homework one day!'' some stuff in this school said '' this teacher always naughty with us too!she never friendly to us! maybe this reason make the student angry they have a big loud in the school! before 5min that this teacher was crazy i heard the some of student are SHOUT..SING...MERRYMAKING and call her name,so the teacher maybe wouldn't patient this activity she goes crazy!'' Is the word that one stuff said!..I saw her crazy activity at yesterday : she pulled her hair!she shouted!she cried!she pulled her clothes!she kicked the table!she fought the window and chair!she laughed...ETC..
WHILE she crazy the student was scared and ran away from the classroom to tell the another teacher..manager,,headmaster!some of the student goes to their house to tell their parents!

The teacher's destiny

David was a good teacher at the public school in Cambodia for many years. He 's 24 years old. Most of the students in the school didn't like him because he was unfriendly and unhelpful. When David taught the students in the class, no one listened to him and when he gave homework to them, no one did it and they always said that "They didn't understand about the hand-out or the teacher didn't taught it to them". So David was very angry about the students but he just clam down and tried to tell them about the lesson again but they didn't pay attention to him.

Suddenly, David blamed them " All of you, what do you want? You said "You didn't understand I taught your lesson again but you talked nonstop and made the class become the supermarket" OK if you didn't want to study, please go outside and talk that you want"Now go".

Tomorrow, In the morning didn't come to school. He has a party at Kevin's house.David saw Kevin's wife and smile to her very softly. After the party, David had to go home because he was drunk so much.

Today. David had a class but he didn't come. So the another teacher replaced him. The student were very happy. David was a lazy man, He always didn't come to taught the student.

On 21st, In the evening ,the cleaner saw the David 's dead in the lab. Immediately, She called the police and told them about the accident in the lab. Soon the police was coming and they thought that the student was kill him. So the police called all of the students to ask about it.

At last, All the students didn't know about the accident. But suddenly, Kevin 's wife to the police and said that She saw a knife with the blood and the wallet of the David in her house. So the police know that Kevin was kill David because Kevin's wife used to fall in love with David for many years. But now Kevin was escaped but the police will tried to caught him.

teacher lose his mind

The teacher lose his mind because the student never listen to him ,and every day the student always like that.

Then one day the teacher have one idea to make all the student listen to him.He call all the parent of student come and sit near all of the student .Then all of the student parent is all going very crazy to ,then the teacher is going very crazy then last time then the teacher shout 'stop making a noise! then the student and the parent said ''what up with that teacher'.Then the teacher sleep on the floor ,then two minute later he woke then he is normal back.

The new day have come the teacher said student today i will do any thing easy with all of you ,then all the student is very quiet ,and then 5 minute later the student going to lose them mind again the teacher said 'Why when i came to teach at Phnom pehn is very difficult like that ,then the teacher is very crazy so he stop teaching in Cambodia anymore ,i"m going to thought at my country ,but when he went to thought at his country then the student at his country is much crazier then the student at Cambodia so he said why i do a teacher crazy like this .So then after that day he going to lose his mind forever in his country.Only when he thought a dog to make a dog sick.


Being crazy

Angry because the students wouldn't study properly, a teacher went crazy in the classroom,yesterday.Teacher going crazy because of students. All of the teacher always want all students to be a person that good have a great job and clever too. but students in this class is not think like that so make the teacher going crazy. some of the girl students likes to makes up in class, talking phone, took a pictures, laughed at jokes, and did something else. for some boys are likes to go to internet played AK,JX,snap and something else. when teacher advised them and gives homework to do they 're didn't do and talking about teacher to each other too. teacher said that
_ you must be try to study harder for your future
_your future is your parent's hope
_if you try to study u will get a good job
_make your parent's enjoyment (etc)
if you do like the teacher said you will get something that you want.when all the students heard some student listen and did, some students not listen and kept make a bad habit again.
when the teacher think and think about how to make student that have bad habit to be a good habit every day because parent's students told teacher to take care their child so teacher must be think. when all student know that their teacher going crazy because of them, they're make them self to be good. And for teacher is crazy.

Investigation on Dead Teacher

The body of a very unpopular English teacher s found in his classroom yesterday. The police suspect that he was murdered by one of his students. The students had been complaining about the amount of homework that they had to do, and the lack of fun in class.

This information was known and reported by a student of the victim. It happened when that boy come to school early and ask the staff of the school for the key to enter the room. Then when he opened the door, he could smell something which is very awful. After he turned on the light and saw a very scary dead man. At that time, his feel was jumble. He felt shock and ran out quickly. He reported to the head office and they came and check that out.

Just only for a while, the police came. They were working on the investigation silently because they didn't want to lose the support. According to the other student's speech, they said that "one day when the class finished. He saw, there was a boy went out of the class lately and his teacher didn't go away yet. Then I was trying to hide"said by the boy. He saw that boy throw something inside the class and ran away. Then he walk toward the class and open the door. He couldn't be patient with the smell of that thing and then ran down to look for help. But there was no one and his mom arrived so he had to go home. He continued that the smell of that thing seem like fart.....and was very stink. So he thought the teacher will unfortunately died by the terrible smell of the fart bomb.

The police found out who killed this pity dead man and judge that boy by the law......:D
Sounds crazy right??

The dead teacher

The body of a very unpopular English teacher was found in his classroom yesterday.The police suspect that he was murdered by one of his students.The students had been complaining about the amount of homework that they had to do, and the lack of fun in class.
The police knew something about the information by the student in the class they knew that during the class he give a lot of homework and during the class he make a little fun in the class that make the student bore and when he was angry he seen like a a crazy person and sometime he lose his mind too.the class was continued by another teacher name Jack.
A month later the police discover that the dead of the unpopular teacher wasn't killed by the student actually he was killed by the teacher in the school .So the story of the dead teacher not yet solve and the police keep search for clues.
The hard working of the police had awake the dead teacher.
One night the students and employees were all gone and just one teacher left it was the teacher who killed him.
the dead teacher that man was the one who killed him but he don't who is it? so he went to meet him and suddenly he was surprised he said ''so it was you who had killed me Jack and it was you all the time try to kill me?" Jack was so scared then he fall down.
In the morning at six am he wake up and lose his mind and all the people there call the police and caught into jail and another teacher come and replace Jack the new teacher make the student surprise because he face his body his hair even his name Danny was like the daed teacher.

Crazy Teacher

Teacher Goes crazy in Phnom Penh School.Angry because the students wouldn't study properly,a teacher went crazy in the classroom yesterday.
Yesterday A teacher who teach in an English School lost his mind because of his students.The Students seriously screamed and shouted in a whole class.By The Way He was patient however He couldn't stand so He was quiet a few minutes and then The student started to talk loudly more and shouted more than before.Some Student argued to each other.That were a noisy and messy classroom then one student complained him about the amount of homework that They did.The teacher didn't reply and tried to make himself in a good mood.One of the students teased him cruelly,He couldn't stand anyway so He stood up and then shouted: ''Who am I?''.The Student answered back: ''Father of the monster hahahaha!!!'' The students laughed so bad.He shouted:''All Of You gonna make me angry more'' The Student replied rudely:''I won't trust you Father Monster hahaha'' They laughed more badly than before and then The Teacher lost his mind so All Students went away from him and were surprised of him,some were screamed and run far from the teacher,some were frighten and shouted:''OH MY GOSH!!''.They left their classroom as fast as.One Boy went to the receptionist table and told her about his teacher.The Receptionist contact the ambulance and told all the students who were at the 2nd floor left there.When They found him in the class He was like a stupid man.


The body of a very unpopular English teacher was found in his classroom yesterday.The police suspect that he was murdered by on of his students had been complaining about the amount of homework that they had to do,and the lack of fun in class.Dose it true?

The police arrested some of his students too,for get some more imformation.Nearly all of them said"Before he dead,he loses his mind!!!".The teacher went crazy and ran out from the class.5minute later the teacher came back and walked normaly and made student wondered!

It time to go home.Like everyday,before you leave school you have to get the homework from your teacher first.But to day no!no more homework at all!You free to go home,teacher said.

Next morning the teacher was found by the cleaner.He called the police and told the director too.The police came not just police but FBI and CSI too.They found it was a murder.Because his body full of blood spreading everywhere,his neck broken,a sharp thing through his stomanche,oh very terrible.There weren't any clue or any fringer print on him so it made the police hard to research.

Next morning another teacher was found again,and the dead body almost like the one before.It contiuned every next morning one by one,one by one.The police have no idea about it.So the director decided to close the school.

2month later the night of Halloween,the director finally found dead in his house when his family went away for the vacation.Many murder but no clue....... .To be continued!

Teacher Loses His Mind

Teacher angry because the students wouldn't study properly, a teacher went crazy in the
classroom,yesterday.What did the students do to make the teacher lose his mind? What did the teacher do and say and was the problem solved?

In classroom 7.7 there was one group of the student wasn't study and play on the study time.One day the group of the student that didn't study was singing and dance when the teacher was teaching the student .The teacher said to them to stop singing and dance while one of the student that in the group shouted and telling the teacher that in his group was stress because all day we study do the exercise and homework everyday.

Talk about the teacher is the teacher that like study. In his mind is study study and in the study time he wasn't make fun with the student that why it make stress to all the student so all of student was making the teacher loses his mind.

In the break time the teacher was talk to the group why everyday you make some noise in the class and don't study why you do like this you don't understand my mind "the teacher said".The group said why I do like this you don't hear my voice said in the study time I said that everyday you don't make fun with the student you only study and study with the student so why can make my group want to study.

The teacher was thinking about this problem and thinking about the way to solve all this problem suddenly the teacher can find the way to solve the problem.

The study time was coming.In this study time was unusual than all of the time .This time when the teacher studying the teacher was making a lot of fun and playing some game with the student so the make all the student happy and wanted to study with him all time.

Teacher lost his mind