Angry because the students wouldn't study properly, a teacher went crazy in the classroom,yesterday.Teacher going crazy because of students. All of the teacher always want all students to be a person that good have a great job and clever too. but students in this class is not think like that so make the teacher going crazy. some of the girl students likes to makes up in class, talking phone, took a pictures, laughed at jokes, and did something else. for some boys are likes to go to internet played AK,JX,snap and something else. when teacher advised them and gives homework to do they 're didn't do and talking about teacher to each other too. teacher said that
_ you must be try to study harder for your future
_your future is your parent's hope
_if you try to study u will get a good job
_make your parent's enjoyment (etc)
if you do like the teacher said you will get something that you want.when all the students heard some student listen and did, some students not listen and kept make a bad habit again.
when the teacher think and think about how to make student that have bad habit to be a good habit every day because parent's students told teacher to take care their child so teacher must be think. when all student know that their teacher going crazy because of them, they're make them self to be good. And for teacher is crazy.
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