David was a good teacher at the public school in Cambodia for many years. He 's 24 years old. Most of the students in the school didn't like him because he was unfriendly and unhelpful. When David taught the students in the class, no one listened to him and when he gave homework to them, no one did it and they always said that "They didn't understand about the hand-out or the teacher didn't taught it to them". So David was very angry about the students but he just clam down and tried to tell them about the lesson again but they didn't pay attention to him.
Suddenly, David blamed them " All of you, what do you want? You said "You didn't understand I taught your lesson again but you talked nonstop and made the class become the supermarket" OK if you didn't want to study, please go outside and talk that you want"Now go".
Tomorrow, In the morning didn't come to school. He has a party at Kevin's house.David saw Kevin's wife and smile to her very softly. After the party, David had to go home because he was drunk so much.
Today. David had a class but he didn't come. So the another teacher replaced him. The student were very happy. David was a lazy man, He always didn't come to taught the student.
On 21st, In the evening ,the cleaner saw the David 's dead in the lab. Immediately, She called the police and told them about the accident in the lab. Soon the police was coming and they thought that the student was kill him. So the police called all of the students to ask about it.
At last, All the students didn't know about the accident. But suddenly, Kevin 's wife to the police and said that She saw a knife with the blood and the wallet of the David in her house. So the police know that Kevin was kill David because Kevin's wife used to fall in love with David for many years. But now Kevin was escaped but the police will tried to caught him.
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