Teacher goes crazy in Phnom Penh School.Because of students wouldn't study properly.
In one school had students in one room was very noisy and didn't have any teachers can teach in this class.And one day had one of the teacher came to teach.And when he went to this class, he saw that" the students in this class was good why other teachers said that they difficult to teach?" And then,he started to teach and wrote on the board 5 or 6 minutes he heard a very noisy sound.Then he looked back at the students and saw that "some student was playing with their friend.Some students was listening to music and playing something that was noisy."Then,when he saw that he was very angry and he shouted to stop , but didn't had any students followed him.Then he was angry and angry.He wanted to fight them.And then students in this class started get something threw to him and said impolite words to him.Then he was sit down and was very angry.
After 4 or 5 minute he was stand up ,but he couldn't stand.He didn't know why he couldn't away from chair?He started thought of the students that "they must be do it."He stand up with the chair and he was blame to them, but one of this students stand up and blame to him with impolite words.then all the students in this class started laugh of him.Finally, he was angry and started crazy and crazy and he run and go away this school.So,all the teachers were crazy when they teach this class.
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