Teacher angry because the students wouldn't study properly , a teacher went crazy in the classroom , yesterday . He is a chemical teacher . We was studying in the class very quietly only a few hours teacher had gotten a huge mouth with a big teeth . He made us so scared . immediately we ran out of class and shouted for somebody help . We knew that our school was far a way from their town maybe 3 or 4 kilometers . He caught one boy that sit near me and wanted to kill him . But at that time I got a chair on my hands and through it to the teacher's head . He looked at me and try to chase me . I ran very quickly as possible as I could . I knew that already that my teacher got lost his mind .
He ran very faster than me . I was very tired and I couldn't go on so I turn back and hit him a very heavy power with my right hand . He still lost his mind and crazy than before . I called a few friends to help me and my teacher got stronger than before too . But no one could help me only my self try to escape from him , but now he really like a wolf and ran very quickly . I turned back to the school and went to chemical room . I try to find the medicine but I can't he knew I was in chemical room and came over and smell . I didn't breath till he went out the room . Then I found a strange medicine that I ever saw my teacher took this medicine . It the flu medicine but it not . it a chemical medicine that made him lost his mind . I looked for another chemical medicine . Now I found a power medicine that i can control him . I drank maybe 2 of tea cups . And then Ah Oh ......... !
It started strange in my head and I got a big body with the body of my teacher is wolf . But I was bigger than him because I drank 2 of tea cups . I had a lots of feather full my body . I howl like a dog and I try to find him but I didn't see him at school . I ran to the town too fast . I saw him try to eat the child I ran to him and bite him on his neck . He moved and try to escape from my teeth . He moved his neck out of my teeth and jump forward to my neck also . I turn to left and hit him with my left hand . He started headache and try to kill me . I ran to escape from him but he follow me . Finally I saw a sharp steel and stapped him with the steel . He felt to the ground and a few minutes police arrived and make a reported . He was dead and when police I ran into the forest until I became a human . Now my school never had a teacher that lost his mind .
Good picture and good story