Cambodia is a kingdom of wonder.Cambodia is nature country that full of narural place.Cambodia is has so many tourists sites for tourist.Cambodia has tourist sites such as: Siem Reap,Phreh Vihea,Sihanuk ville specially Phom Penh city is the heart of Cambodia.In Siem Reap province that has alot of khmer temples in here specially Angkor Wat temple is the place that people all over the world know.Many tourists always visit there.Specially they always go to visit Bak Keanh mountain to see sunset.In Phreh Vihea province it has Phreh Vihea temple that the temple that Thailand country want to get it.In Sihanuk Ville has white sandy and beautiful blue sea that many tourist not forget to visit.They can eat fresh sea food in there.They can come to visit very beautiful waterfall in Kap province.They come there to relax and take a picture also get fresh air.They can sea very beautiful sunset in there also.Out of it Cambodia has many place to visit and beautiful place to see.If you come to visit Cambodia you'll won't regret your time in there.
Saturday, 3 December 2011

Tonight the moon is very beautiful,made me think of the blog. Anythings could stopped me to open my laptop and sign in to write somethings about my feeling tonight!
Tomorrow is Sunday,our's weekend. Saturday,Sunday without a football live match is not Saturday,Sunday. Tonight Chelsea Vs Newcastle. My Ex-favourite FC (Chelsea). My brother and I going to watch it live till the end of the match tonight! But we feel very hungry tonight!
I go and browse for some snack in the fridge but it all gone tonight! Everybody are sleeping tonight!No one online when I open my facebook account tonight! Just take some Cokes and drink with my brother tonight!
Wigan Vs Arsernal tonight! Also Man.City Vs Norwich tonight!Now I gonna finish this post tonight! So it is the end of tonight!
A Mother
There was an old woman that had an only one child. Her child was a boy and his name was Rak. Rak was born while his father gone far away. Rak's mother got a job as sell khmer vermicelli. She had so much suffer. When Rak was 6 years old his mom brang him to a school. Rak was always go to school and he never tried to escape the school. But when he was 12 or 13 years old he knew the wrong friends! At that time he never went to school again and his study was not good at all. Before he never went somewhere at midnight, but now it was nearly everyday. His mother was very worried about him. Sometimes when she stayed alone she cried because she thought that her son was unlucky and she was pity her son so much. When Rak went with his friends, his friends told him to drugged!! First he didn't want to but when he saw his friends drugged so much he tried one too! When he didn't have money, he went home and shouted to his mother that he needed money but his mother didn't have lots money she had only 20000 riels to buy some food to eat. Rak was angry with mother so much!! I didn't think that he hit his mother and got that money to give his big brother!!!! His mother cried so much because she never thought that his son would be like this! Until one day he robbed the other man's motorbike and the police caught him then he knew that he was wrong! When he went to the jail, his mother cried and said "Why did you do like this???!! My.....only...... son!!". Rak spoke back to his mom with his tears "I'm sorry mom......i am so sorr...y!". But his mom was forgive him because she was a compassion mother.
2nd December 78-2nd December 11
Yesterday It was the very good and happy day for Cambodian in Phnom Penh.It was 2nd December ,the day that Cambodian created the national battle front.that was created in 2nd December 1978 to fight back on Khmer rouge.Many people always celebrate it in 2nd December everyyear.At night Bayon TV had a concert to remmember that day.they had many singers came from many Production in Cambodia.and It was taken place in Kmer Olympic stadium.
Last year I remembered that this event was joined by 3 samdech of Cambodia,they stood on the car and waved their hands to all people in Olympic stadium .some of them were the members of Khmer national battle front.Mr Prime Minister had a speech to all people to say welcome and thank to them that they were so brave and worked hard with Khmer battle front.
Mr. Hun Mani the son of Mr prime minister of Cambodia had a speech to all khmer teen that they always support Khmer government and do something that good to our society.and he said that the topic this year is " teenager in order to native cause".
From 6 o'clock to 11:00 they had many show that said about the Khmer rouge period. that concert had called many students to join that events.they all are very happy ,they stood up danced with the songs.
There are many singers like Preab sovath , Ouk sokhunkanha , Chorn sovanareach , Sokhun Nisa ,other singers.In that events they had fired the fireworks ,It was so bright at night and Its sound too loud.Many people came out at night to see that firework.
That events had marked on every Khmer people because It was meanful to all Cambodian.
Last year I remembered that this event was joined by 3 samdech of Cambodia,they stood on the car and waved their hands to all people in Olympic stadium .some of them were the members of Khmer national battle front.Mr Prime Minister had a speech to all people to say welcome and thank to them that they were so brave and worked hard with Khmer battle front.
Mr. Hun Mani the son of Mr prime minister of Cambodia had a speech to all khmer teen that they always support Khmer government and do something that good to our society.and he said that the topic this year is " teenager in order to native cause".
From 6 o'clock to 11:00 they had many show that said about the Khmer rouge period. that concert had called many students to join that events.they all are very happy ,they stood up danced with the songs.
There are many singers like Preab sovath , Ouk sokhunkanha , Chorn sovanareach , Sokhun Nisa ,other singers.In that events they had fired the fireworks ,It was so bright at night and Its sound too loud.Many people came out at night to see that firework.
That events had marked on every Khmer people because It was meanful to all Cambodian.
Save a Heart Attack Victim
You're about to catch a train when a fellow passenger starts to complain of chest pain. You are worried he's having a heart attack. You call an ambulance, but next thing you know the man has collapse - and he loos dead. The only thing that will save him is an electric shock to his heart- and until help arrives, you need to keep the blood going to his brain and heart by doing the work of the heart for him using CPR. Panic sets in - you did a first-aid course at school, but you can't remember exactly what to do. And could you catch something when doing the '' kiss of life''? In fact, the advice on what you should do if you an adult, not a child, suddenly collapse has changed. Yes, first call an ambulance. But if you are not trained properly in CPR there's no need to worry about the kiss of life or the bit about breathing in to the patient's mouth. All you need to do is the chest compressions. Put your hands in the middle of the chest on the breastbone and push down as hard as you can, 100times a minute(roughly the same rhythm as the ''ah ah ah ah ah''bit in the Bee Gees song Staying Alive, I'd sing it in your head, though). Don't worry about doing some damage: it is better to be alive with a cracked rib then dead with ribs intact. And that is all you need to carry on doing until the ambulance arrives. If you are in a public area, there may be an automated defibrillator. It's easy to use. some one should get it and put it on the patient's chest and do what it tells you(yes it will speak) what next? even during CPR, the brain is not supplied with us much oxygen as from a fully functioning heart. This lake of oxygen causes the release of substances which damage the brain cells. We used to think there was nothing much that could be done about it and three in four patients brought to hospital alive following a cardiac arrest died soon afterwards or ended up with brain damage. However, following two recent trials, the current approach is to cool the brain down for 24 hours. This helps to stop the damage by preventing the release of these products, helping more and more patients survive cardiac arrest with a fully functioning brain. It used to be a miracle if someone survived a cardiac arrest if they weren't in hospital. But now using basic things: hands, electricity and ice- the miracles are becoming more common. Just remember: hands, not lips!
One term with my teacher
Hello Everyone in blog and hello teacher! My name is Oeng Muy Kim. This term with teacher phillip is nearly the end. Now I would like to tell you about my teacher.
My teacher name Phillip. He is the teacher in yl 10 class. He is very friendly with students, make students laugh every time that study with him.And a week I study with him 2 days on Tuesday and thursday. Tuesday we study in paper and not the same. but he teach different things every week. And make us understand clearly. And about Thursday he teach us about blog. How to make blog, how to write essay or story in the blog. And especially It easy to write essay and easy when pass to GEP too.In one story he always give us a mark or he post of the week.And every week he give us a homework or spelling bee too. It is important because it can help us to know a lot of word.
Finally I think that my teacher is a very good teacher can make us understand quickly and clear too. THANKS TEACHER
The End
Know Your Fault

Jason is a very very bad kid and bad child.He's 12 years old.He study at one primary school.At school he always play in the class he not listen when his teacher explain lesson he always play in the class while his teacher teach.When teacher blamed him he not care what teacher says.Sometime he not go to school he go to the game center and his parents don't know about this they think that their child go to school to study.But one day the school call Jason's parents to tell about this his parents look so shock when they know about this they tell to school that they will teach Jason to try to study.When Jason get home they call him to teach and blame about he not try to study.But he not listen and not care what his parents say.1 year later now he's 13 years old but his attitude not change but more bad than ever he always have story about fighting.His parents try to give advice to him but he not listen.He always walk with gangster and act like those gangster his parents try to warrant him but he not care.But one day his parents were so shock they went to police station immediately because the police called them that their child is now at police station the police bring him to there because he is fighting with other kid on the street.His parents cry and thought that why their parents do like this?why he not listen their advice why?They try their best to help their only child finally they can help their child.Jason sorry to them and pray to them that he not do like this again, stop make them worried about him like that and listen their advice.His parents are very very happy when they heard they said it's ok .
After that Jason try his best to study hard and get the good score.At school when teacher teach and explain lesson he always listen carefully.At home he always help his parents work and listen their advice.Finally he can get good score and become outstanding student.His parents are very happy that their child can know about his fault and become to do right thing.Now Jason isn't bad kid and bad child but now he is good kid and good child for his parents.
After that Jason try his best to study hard and get the good score.At school when teacher teach and explain lesson he always listen carefully.At home he always help his parents work and listen their advice.Finally he can get good score and become outstanding student.His parents are very happy that their child can know about his fault and become to do right thing.Now Jason isn't bad kid and bad child but now he is good kid and good child for his parents.
Ela's school trip
Ela was a student in a high school. She studied in grade 10. Ela was a 16 year old girl. One day her school had a trip to the mountain and went camping at the forest. Ela and her friends were so happy and they prepared all the things in their bags. The next morning Ela went on the school bus with her friends and lots of students. On the bus Ela and her friends looked like they had so much fun! All the students in the bus sang all a long the way through the mountain. First they went hiking to the top of the mountain. When they arrived they started to camp. Each camp could only stay 5 persons. Ela and her friends stayed in a camp while they were so tired. About 12:20 p.m all of the students had their lunch. Finished the launch their teachers brang them to looked and study about the trees. But Ela and her friends didn't go with their teachers. They just went everywhere themselves. Unfortunately, they lost! They couldn't find any way to got back to the camp. Ela got an idea she got the icom! Ela talked on the icom that she needed help!!But it didn't work. After an hour there was an old man that lived on the mountain for long years. He asked "What are you doing, kids?? Are you lost??" Ela answered " yes we are! please can you help us to find our camp??". They were so lucky because they had that man to show the way to the camp. When they got to the camp they felt more comfortable, and they said " Thanks old man!!". Tomorrow is the last day of the school trip and Ela with her friends went on the bus to get back home.
Friday, 2 December 2011
What're in my mind???
Today is 2nd December, I am writing a blog in my room. I started writing at 10:00. I didn't know what to say and just write something which i hadn't think. This evening, I done some of tasks such as, ironing the uniform for tomorrow school, done my dinner with family, finished all the homework which gave by Khmer school teachers, prepared the bed for sweet dream. While I'm writing, I look around the room. No one's doing anything. Maybe they're all in their bed. I mean my neighbor. No one would talk with me, I only hear the sound of a fan which is working and also sound of the keyboard I'm typing. Before doing this blog, I online Facebook and watch YouTube videos at the same moment. I chatted with PISETH and no one else of my classmates. PISETH is one of the outstanding student of the class who is recognized by me. And I don't know what the other thought. I rush to do a project which is given by my teacher, PHILIP. I thought nothing to write in the project. Some of my friends had finished 2 or 3 blogs already. But I did not. I'm just searching for a new topic which is interesting to read not the boring as I had done. Teacher told us that this will be the last time that we could write on the blog. At first, I didn't know what the blog is. And i thought that it would be boring to think, write and post at a short time. On t
he other hand, It's not what i thought. Blogging improves my writing skill. I got it the high score of all the subjects. And that's all..... ^^ I stopped writing this ninth blog at 10:27. It's time to sleep. Late night can make me sick. And I'm also sleepy. NIGHT night MARIA.... ^^
My Great Time
Long time ago, about 2009 my aunt visited Cambodia. She was from Australia but her original country is Cambodia. She came here alone and she wanted to visited Ankor Wat. At first we went to Siem Reap we had so much fun! A long the way we talked about our plan when we arrived there. My cousins and i listened to music and we sang the same time with the song we sang and sang till my mom got a little bit angry just a little bit. Soon we arrived there and we found the hotel to stay. But then we couldn't find any of the hotel so my mom ask my other aunt if she know where the hotel was. Then we found the hotel at that time we was really tired and we just fell asleep. The next morning we went to visit Ankor Wat which was a very famous temple then we went to Ta Prom temple. About 11:30 a.m we went to a buffet restaurant. After that we continued visiting. At the last day we went back to Phnom Penh. About 3 days later we went to visit Thailand. We went there by bus. When we arrived to Bankok the driver brang us to a good hotel. Then we put all of our thing in the room we went to go some where else. The next morning we went to Phataya which was like Sihaknouk Ville also had a beach. We ate Thailand seafood, but i thought that still Cambodian seafood is more delicious than Thailand. Then we went to our relative that live in city Tep. We didn't know her much just only my aunt i didn't why. Anyway we had visited all of the city! We had a really great time.
My aunt's last day to visit Cambodia was nearly end i was so unhappy because i didn't want her to go back Australia. Finally the day was coming all of our relative went to the airport to say good bye to her. The time was nearly go i was crying, my aunt said "Don't be cry honey, i'll be back next year!'' I stopped cry and she went to the plane! After 30 minutes i felt normal again. Don't be sad! Anyway we have been had a great time!!!!!
Dropping out of school
Nowadays, many students drop of school. The number of the students who give up their study have increased day today. There are several cause which relate to this problem.
The first thing is that it depends on the standard of living. Some parents are poor and non-education, so they stop their children from study and ask them to find jobs to support their family. For another thing is that some schools are very far from children's home, so it is difficult for them to go to study and their parents don't have enough money to buy them bicycles or anything, because of having a lot of children in the family. The third reason is that some parents do not get on well with each other. They often have argument and sometimes hit their children. This problem makes their children run out of school and home. The four reason is that there are a lot of night clubs, karaoke's and computer games which make students forget their study and homework.
In my opinion, parents must care with children with study if they want their children do well in the future.
Usefulness of study
People who are born have to study in school, families or societies, so people can study every where and every time. Study is very useful for people in the modern world.
The first is that study makes people have knowledge to lead their lives to happiness. It means that if people study, they have knowledge and degree, so they can find well paid jobs to earn a lot of money for their living. Having studied, the people can invent modern things which are useful for work and living. Moreover, study makes people have knowledge and abilities to solve problems which they meet for every days life; people can use the knowledge that they have studied to control the environment and use the global resources for the shake of people in the right ways. Furthermore, study teaches people to learn to make decision to do right things for their lives.
As we see the usefulness of study, so parents have to send their children to school to study to get knowledge for their better future.
Flood Water
Many countries in the world are facing natural disasters, including flood water, volcano explosions, earth quakes, droughts and famines. The disaster which worries people is ''Flood water'' because it has several bad influences on the people.
Many years ago was a bad year for people who live in some districts in Kompong Speu, having flood water. Before is happened, the sky had been very dark, and soon it had rained a lot for nearly two days. At the same time, the wind had been fallen down. Suddenly, there was water every where and most of the houses were under the water, so the people must have escaped from the flood to the hills. Most of the pet animals died in the disaster. Furthermore, nearly all of their crops were damaged during the flood. The worst thing is that some people died, including old people and children. After the rain stopped, the government and non-organizations came to help the people. Tents, rice, food, medicine and other things were sent to help the people.
In my conclusion, I think the people were really unlucky. That was a tragedy for the people.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
The last letter leaving home
Dear mom,
It is with great sorrow that I'm writing this to you . I'm leaving home and moving to Califonia with my fring maria . We're going to become a fam ous designer together . I wanted to avoid the scence with dad so I'm leaving you this note. I know dad doesn't like her because of her ex-boyfriend disturb her but she doesn't love him any more and they broken so dad think that maria is not a good girl but she good person . Maria alway help me when I have any problen she never answer me no I'm busy. we're study together for 3 years ago i knew her. Maria is a very kind person and very friendly. I've alway wanted to do a fashion designer it my plan sorry mom that I won't do it for you so when i get my salary I'll send it to home and keep it for you and dad when your're retire.
Could you please look after jubie, my puppy? Also could you put Fred, my tortoise, out in the sun oncce while? please give my doll next to the door. and I'm taking some of my favorite horror books and some comics books with me. I'll pick up the rest of my stuff somtime .
So don't worry I'll be alright . Remember I'm sixteen so I can take care of myself.....
Your daughter LIma
Mom , none of this above is true . I'm over at Julie's house. I just wanted you to understand that there worse things in life than the report card that's in the top drawer of my desk. I love you. can you tell me when it safe to come home?????
Phnom Penh
Phnom Penh is the city in Cambodia.Phnom Penh is my lovely city. I'm lucky that have life in Phnom Penh.Phnom Penh have a lot of people live there and also have a foreign live in it.Phnom Penh have many places to go like royal palace , pagoda, museum ,river side and a lot super market.In Phnom Penh you can see a lot of houses some flat and many car on the road.I'm happy to live there. LOVE LOVE LOVE
Jack Dawson's back

5th November 1995! A scientist found Jack's dead body. He was covered by the ice. Tim(scientist) quickly took him out from the bottom of the sea. Many scientists and doctors tried to figuring out how could they took him out from the most thickest ice.His body was taken in to a operation room, the doctor took his body through X-Ray,many kinds of operate.... .After 2days time a surprising moment for the Universe became, Jack is alive!
News on TV,newspaper are talking about Jack! Jack Dawson found alive after the successfully operation! Some of the top MDM (Million dollar man) spent much more than 100 million dollar to research this mission.On the other hand, Jack tried to escaped from them, the reason is they wanted to know why Jack still alive since 15th April 1912 (2:30am).Maybe 99 years from now ! wow!
Jack has been escaped from their prison,and try to find Rose! (Remember Rose was his long lost last love). He found Rose but unfortunately she has death on the ages of 102.
But what happens when everything he ever knew! Was gone! So he must live life! All over again in the unfamiliar town!!! (I wanna cry!!!)
Hard to decide
If I could travel anywhere in the world I would like to go France because If I can go there I can learn their language traditional and travel around the country especially Paris the capital of France and go to the country special placesand learn their history and technology fashion.
And maybe go to live there to find job but maybe life there is more difficuft then in Cambodia and I have to learn their language well if I want to live there .But life in cambodia is more easy then in France and my family is here too.....
that all I got to say bye
On Sunday I went to sihanouk ville with my family by my car .We start go at 7:00 and when I travel I look outside the car I saw a lot of tree . And then we got there we drive to the hotel in front of the beach then we put anything out of the car took it to the hotel we travel we spent about 4 hours and took anything into the hotel yet we change the clothes and we go to the beach and swimming and bought anything to eat like seafood .
Day two we not swimming we walk on the beach about one hour and we have a rest here the next we ride the boat to the snake island we play here a half an hour and we ride the boat to the hotel .Then we change the clothes for swimming we swimming about a half an hour we clean the self and have lunch .When the evening we watch the TV .
Day three we go to the market for buy some seafood for sent my friend .Then we travel about three places more and we go to the hotel.We change the clothes for swimming but my parent they say they not swim they sit on the sand for watching me.When I swim already we go to the hotel for clean the self .This is the last day ,at night have a small party we dance and we drink beer a little.Tomorrow we go to our house.
Good bye party
One day my teacher is about to leave the school then when my friends heard about the news. We are plan to make him a good bye party .
I decide to choose the place of the party is in the nearest restautant.One of my friend are decorate the room in to a best , nice,and comfortable room .When the work is done I had to choose a perfect gift for him.
Next day came I told my classmate to take a picture of every student in the class and write what his or her name information in itBecause if he forget us he will take that book out and look at us.
That day came he was was very surprised and at the end he cry and thank us.
Next day came we refuse to meet our new teacher but actually it was him we were so happy and angry too we spend our money FOR NOTHING.
The strange time
Nana was a dentist near the Mr.Bob 's house. She was 24 years old. Mr.Bob was a person that took care about his teeth very much. He always came to Nana's clinic to talked about the resolve to make his teeth to be perfect. And He has one daughter. She called Kim.
Today 11st November, Mr.Bob called to Nana to meet her. Because his teeth was ill.And he has go to Canada tomorrow for a month and he wanted Nana to check his teeth before he gone. At 1:00, in the afternoon, Nana was meeting Mr.Bob at his house. His daughter was rude." Nana thought". At 2:00, Nana was coming back to her clinic.
On 13th December, Nana has a phone from Mr. Bob to his house on 14th to talked and has a dinner together. On 14th was coming, Nana came to Mr.Bob 's house but suddenly she saw Kim was sitting on the old chair and told Nana that "My dad died because the storm hit the airplane that he stayed On 12th. Immediately, Nana was scare because he called to her on 13th. And she thought that " A person that called to her was a g.......t".
The Old House on the Hill
I went trick-or-treating with my best friends Ken, Tom, and me. Our pillowcases were full of candy, and it was getting late, so my friends want to left.
I wanted them to continue. so I turned to my friends and said, “Let’s knock on a few more doors and then head for home.”
They were worried because they thought it was already too late. “Let’s go home now,” they said to me. I told them not to worry because we could take a shortcut through the old forest.
So after a few more houses, I took my friends to the path that went through the forest. We walked for about1 or 2 kilometers and then, suddenly, I felt very strange. I couldn’t remember the way! It was dark and foggy. We were lost. And to make matters worse, it started to rain. And then, it started to pour. Lightning lit up the sky and thunder in the sky. We wandered around in the rain for over two hours. We were very afraid. And then, at about midnight, I saw an old abandoned house on a hill.
“I think we’ll have to spend the night in that old house and wait till morning,” I said.
My friends didn’t think it was a good idea, but they were cold and wet, so they agreed. We walked up the old wooden steps to the front door. The door creaked open and we went inside, sat down, and started to eat a chocolate bar, when we were eating, the old window were open automatically by the winds outside. About 15 minute ago, All my friends was asleep. But I didn't sleep because I feel strange about the house in the old forest. Suddenly, I want to use the toilet. So I had to go outside the house. While I were walking to find the place, I feel that someone were following behind me. but when I turned back I didn't see anything. At the time, I feel cold and frighten but I didn't care it.
In the morning, I were sleep under the tree not in the house. So I had to find all my friends. About 2 or3 hours later, I can not find all my friends. I feel that I were alone in this old frighten forest. I think I were lost. Fortunately, I saw the old house. And said '' All my friends skill in the house''. You know when I opened it all my friends already dead.Their head were out of the body and on the ground have plenty of the blood. Soon someone tried to kill me but I fought with him. Suddenly, the polices had coming. They all helped me and caught the ugly man. The polices brought me home. But I skill cry cry and cry because my very best friends were ......dead!!!!
The police told me that the man that killed my friends were a crazy and stupid robber that police try to caught him for 1 month. But he lives in the old forest.So It were so hard to caught him.
Pour = the liquid that out of the bottle or the water of the rain were drop from the sky.
Wander= NO D
I wanted them to continue. so I turned to my friends and said, “Let’s knock on a few more doors and then head for home.”
They were worried because they thought it was already too late. “Let’s go home now,” they said to me. I told them not to worry because we could take a shortcut through the old forest.
So after a few more houses, I took my friends to the path that went through the forest. We walked for about1 or 2 kilometers and then, suddenly, I felt very strange. I couldn’t remember the way! It was dark and foggy. We were lost. And to make matters worse, it started to rain. And then, it started to pour. Lightning lit up the sky and thunder in the sky. We wandered around in the rain for over two hours. We were very afraid. And then, at about midnight, I saw an old abandoned house on a hill.
“I think we’ll have to spend the night in that old house and wait till morning,” I said.
My friends didn’t think it was a good idea, but they were cold and wet, so they agreed. We walked up the old wooden steps to the front door. The door creaked open and we went inside, sat down, and started to eat a chocolate bar, when we were eating, the old window were open automatically by the winds outside. About 15 minute ago, All my friends was asleep. But I didn't sleep because I feel strange about the house in the old forest. Suddenly, I want to use the toilet. So I had to go outside the house. While I were walking to find the place, I feel that someone were following behind me. but when I turned back I didn't see anything. At the time, I feel cold and frighten but I didn't care it.
In the morning, I were sleep under the tree not in the house. So I had to find all my friends. About 2 or3 hours later, I can not find all my friends. I feel that I were alone in this old frighten forest. I think I were lost. Fortunately, I saw the old house. And said '' All my friends skill in the house''. You know when I opened it all my friends already dead.Their head were out of the body and on the ground have plenty of the blood. Soon someone tried to kill me but I fought with him. Suddenly, the polices had coming. They all helped me and caught the ugly man. The polices brought me home. But I skill cry cry and cry because my very best friends were ......dead!!!!
The police told me that the man that killed my friends were a crazy and stupid robber that police try to caught him for 1 month. But he lives in the old forest.So It were so hard to caught him.
Pour = the liquid that out of the bottle or the water of the rain were drop from the sky.
Wander= NO D
My life As witch's daughter
I am witch's daughter.My name is Hanni.I want to tell you about the life of witch daughter.My mother is the smart witch of the other witch she can change the human become to frog change to frog become the human etc.I am the witch's daughter but I can't do like my mother.In my house have one big pot that has lot of strange thing like snake's poison, scorpion's poison and eagle etc.Like witch's daughter other people said that being the witch's daughter is wonderful but I don't think it mean that.Every morning my mother always bring me to the school by car because I don't want people know that my mother is a witch.While we going to there if has a traffic jam she'll make the car fly to go to school fast.I think this not wonderful I think it not fair to them.If she heard that my friend argue or fight to me she will make them become mouse or frog to one day to punish them.I think it was very boring.One day my teacher blame to me that something that it wasn't my fault my mother know and then make her become to frog.When I know that I think it wasn't her's fault why my mother do like that to her? When I arrive home I tell my mother to change my teacher become to the human but my mother don't change she said that it was teacher's fault.So I cry cry and cry so mom agree to change my teacher to become to human again.
So my mother bring to the school by ride on broom because now it really midnight when I come to the school I called my teacher suddenly I see one frog come to us I think that this is my teacher so my mother change her to become human again.I am very happy when see that while we arrive we fly across the moon I see like to moon is near us it was very wonderful.I think however my mother is a witch but she is really love me so I think that it is wonderful for me .I love you mom^^
So my mother bring to the school by ride on broom because now it really midnight when I come to the school I called my teacher suddenly I see one frog come to us I think that this is my teacher so my mother change her to become human again.I am very happy when see that while we arrive we fly across the moon I see like to moon is near us it was very wonderful.I think however my mother is a witch but she is really love me so I think that it is wonderful for me .I love you mom^^
My Handsome and Smart Teacher

My name is Richard I'm study at ACE.I'm was very happy because I can study with my good teacher his name is Phillip.Why I said Phillip is handsome and my smart teacher?The answer is Phillip is the good teacher that I haven't meet the teacher like Phillip before.
In the study time Phillip is the best teacher that can teach me and anther student faster to understand.Phillip like make fun with student that why it make all of his student like study with him.
Talk about his body he is the handsome man in this world and his face was very pretty and friendly with all people.
Finally I'm was very happy that I have study with you and I only said thank you to you!!!!!!

One day i there is one baby that had born and he seen like stronger then any of the baby, and his mother orphanage of the family .
Ten year later he walking by the forest and he saw one animal that is not a tiger and not a dragon ,Then when he saw it he walking by a silent sound ,but the animal still hear it and then there is one man that is like a hero he come to save that boy and fought that animal ,then when he fought that animal finish he took that boy to that place and when the boy have arrived he saw lot of warrior and then he ask the teacher warrior he ask"teacher may you teach me to be a warrior"?the teacher answer yes .
Eight year later he know all about the warrior style and he is very very strong .Then one year later that animal come to destroy the warrior place and only that baby that his mother orphanage he get the sword and he attack all of that animal then when he fought all of the warrior died and he was very angry ,And then all of the warrior spirit come straight into the last warrior body and his teacher is died too so he became very strong and fought and kill of the animal.
The Advantages and disadvantages of study hard and play internet
People all around the world have maybe 95% know about how to use internet and do some on it. But 5% more is students that study hard.Study and internet have the advantages and disadvantages.
First, I would like to tell you about the advantages of study hard. You know one person that study hard can get result good or bad? It can't get a bad result. Because when want to do anything that you think you like and try your best you can get successful.when you study hard you can pass the exam. when you finish school you can get a good job and good salary.Especially you can help your friends you can teach them too. When you study hard you can study fast and easy to understand what the teacher explain and can pass the exam very good. you don't need to afraid when the exam come don't need to copy your friend or another people. But when you study a lot you can have a stress and i f don't go to any where to relax you will sick or if it too stressful you will crazy too. Don't study harder than you can do if you have stress you should go or do anything relax. I think that study a lot you will being to old. because your brain think lot and no thing relax and your hair will go away from your head.
Second, I want to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of play internet. You know internet have lot of program like" Facebook, Google, yahoo...etc". This program can help you like Google you can check grammar, listening conversation English, listening to music, play game to relax, watch YouTube, nation news and international news...etc.And Facebook can communication to your friends your cousin or do business watch news join with game to relax...etc. Then Skype you can talk to your friend in country and another country especially you can see each other too. But sometimes it has disadvantages too. It can make you lazy do anything, lazy to eat rice, forget do something important , have ill,and it can die too. you think it is a modern one can help you but you don't It can destroy you too.
Finally I think that you can study hard and you can play internet too But you should have time to play internet and study. you should study at home 2 hours aday and play internet 3 times a week.
christmas celebration
Last year 9 days before christmas my friends and me was thinking about something to gave to each others.............
Next day went I went to school told me about some ideas to give teacher some said give him a candy some said give him a watch some said give him a candy cane and some said give him a notebook.............. Then I said "Let's make a party in the school and give him a wallet for a gift okay ?" some said"okay" some said "maybe" and we all agree to each others
Evening came I'm was thiking again what to gave my friends at school then I had an idea gave them the candycane .
Next day came I went to shopping with my moyher and bougth a lot of candycanes and postcards.
All of my freetime I spend to wrote a postcards......................
On that day me and my friends was surprised the teacher and that was the best christmas ever....................................
Real ghost story
On Monday next week is the last day to get points for our projects. Now I want to get more than 1o projects to get high score. My story that I want to told is ''A real ghost story''.
On day is a holiday my cousins are came to visited my house, and at night I was sleep with them and I coax them to play card and do something else. when we going sleepy we're stopped play and went to sleep but when we're went to sleep we aren't sleep so my cousin name soma's told me about the real ghost story at her province. The story is: at her province and near her house have person that lost mind( kim). one day all her friend are coax person that lost mind to go for a walk and then that person is give permission to her mother but her mother said that she don't want kim to go because they go to swim at river and her mother scared that she drown. but her friend told her mother that don't worry not go only 2 people we're going to there are a lot.
so her mother told kim's friend : please take care kim.And they all said that don't worry and they go.when during they swim kim was swim far away from her friends and she was drown, at 4:30 they arrived home but can't find kim they're all think that kim is go home first ,so they go home. when they're arrived home they all can't find kim. They're all started to worry, they're share that some people find at this and some people find at there but can't see kim all her friend think that we can try to find at the river. when they're found at the river they saw one person so they think that kim. when look her face is kim. kim's mother is blame her friend very much. (one month ago). At night one person(bora) go to swim and then saw one person that swim in the river too, so bora ask that why you swim in this river you don't scared ghost, she said I don't scared ghost so bora tell her about kim story and than she said do you want to met kim, he's said want because he want to ask some questions, and then the girl said that if you see you scared or not. Bora said no, so she want Bora to close eyes when bora close eyes she being a kim then she said you can open your eyes now. when he opened his eyes he saw kim likes he want. so he was swoon wnen the sun shine he's woke up but he's sick, when his parents saw he sick they called monks to take care him.(the end)
I loved spending time loving people who loved me
Loving people was a great thing i decided to do. Since I was born until today was a life. It was given by my parents. They are the only people who gave me everything. They gave me life, knowledge,money, they filled my desire whatever i wanted to do. Mom and dad were the warmest pillow in my mind.
They gave me faith when i failed something and i also know that they believed exactly in me. Through the eyes of them, I could see what they think about me, everyday they concern, and trying to seek whatever job to get the money. That's why it could make me think again. I wanted to be proud so the only way I can do is to study hard.
In fact, sometimes i feel lonely and wanted to cry because of my family's problem,then after a few minutes i would stop. I couldn't cry for long.
According to my experience, I have know that , to breath easy or to feel calm about something that you cannot decide to do, you just tell it to one of you very closed friend or to started crying for a while then you can feel that you get much better. It was true and I did it already.
I rarely sad. I loved hanging with friends. Sometimes i didn't want to get home. School and friends are the things which change me to be happy. They make me laugh and also give me explanation or solution. For example: They told me to cheat my mom when she was extremely angry.... . ( I'm just kidding) .
Next, the one who give me knowledge, introduce me to do the good deed, advise me, teach me something new is my teacher. I have been studying with many teachers. They've got the skill to improve my knowledge. Sometimes they make fun and it also make me forget about unhappy things.
Everyone whom I wrote about are my best. They loved me and so do I. I will never wanted to die till the end even though I feel so bad. I just want to say that i love them so much. One more speech that i wanted to say is " I LOVE SPENDING TIME LOVING PEOPLE WHO LOVED ME ".......
thanks for reading mine ^^
On 28th October 2009 The ordinary girl was murdered by someone.The Police tried to find the clues about it and then One Boy who joined the class with her and crushed on her,volunteer to find the secret cover of it.
Sarah,a honest girl was murdered by someone in her own room which was in her school.It was messy to find the clues but then a boy whose named Jason volunteered to find some clues.
On 28th October 2009,4:07pm Sarah with her body on the bed include a lot of bloods was found by her classmate when she walked in to Sarah's room and screamed to call the people watch at Sarah.The people was frightened when They saw Sarah was in the situation.One of The Whole People in the school called to police about it.The Police seriously tried to find the clues suddenly A man who used to study with Sarah and had a crush on her walked in to Police Office and volunteer to find the situation by himself.First,The Polices rejected him but They saw his honest feeling They made sure and gave him to solved the problem.
Jason asked Sarah's friend about her and then She told him a whole story about Sarah.
Sarah left the class at 3:30pm because She felt She was headache so then The teacher told to go back to her room and She was followed by her bestfriend,Nicole.After That Nicole came back to the class and studied usual.Jason noticed about Nicole because Nicole used to be his girlfriend before He had a crush on Sarah.He was wonder Why Nicole go to his house while the school was researching about the messy situation.He found a pair of the earring in Sarah's room and then He started to think about Nicole.
He asked Nicole about her earring,She rejected fast that Her earring were on her hand.When He meet Nicole,He showed off her earring and then She screamed.
Next Morning,to be honest She told the polices that She killed Sarah because She was envy that Sarah was crushed on by Jason.So The Polices took her to the jail.The Polices thanked to Jason that He could break a situation easily.
Sorry For Wrong Grammar Slot!!!I wish You'll enjoy it
Murder Part 2

The people started to talked about it everywhere over the city. The newspaper wrote somethings bad which effected the police well. Inspector Grant has called all of the police in ordered to have a meeting to solve this horrible murder.
Anyone have any idea? Grant said.One of the police man said, According to my experience I found it was a murder. Grant said, I already known that man! Everyone known it!. Anyway,Let's try my idea, tell the newspaper station that the director not yet death.But everyone feel like ???????.
Tomorrow morning the newspaper wrote some information about the director. Inspector and his boys caught the assassin on that night too. He took him straight to the car and drove to police station.He ask that man a lot of questions, and i quoted, He is a Hunter from a group name Assassin Zenith. He had an ordered from his god to kill every teachers in the director's school.
That man was judged by the international Judge (Me)........... :P. He has to live in prison forever till he die. He suicide in his room 1hour before he alive. :P
Our health is on our hands
Today! Many people in Phnom Penh think about their health because their health is not good enough . Many people said that in Khmer rouge many people died because they had no food to eat but now It's not like that Many people died because they have many kind of to eat.So Many senior citizens go to to the park in Phnom Penh to have an exercise to make their body slim and healthy.
Some people they don't need to do an exercise they just go to the hotel and other place to have swimming ,sauna , jacuzzi,or massage to make their be healthy too.At the riverside park people said If they do an exercise for one or two hours per day ,their health will be better and they always tell their neighbor to do it like them. Now you can see senior ,teenager,and other junior citizens , they always do an exercise,after that they don't eat junk food .
One day,I asked one woman about it.she said "If I do it everyday It can make my health to be healthy and the body is slim."After that I asked the doctor about this too ,He said " All people should do an exercise everyday to get a beautiful life.and they gonna be okay with their health ".the last He said " make sure that your power ability is enough to your exercise .
Now We should look at to the disease today,many people got the cancer .they all think that is the disease for the one who are very wealthy,and for the poor people can't treat it,so they wait for their death.but you should think that the wealthy people will die as soon as their disease is strong enough to kill that people.
Here my word for you is " You shouldn't eat the junk food ,and You should do more exercise and You should think that our life is on our mind".
There's a man in a village. He has lots of friends and neighbor. One day his neighbor married and he invited him at far from the village. The man's name was Bora. He left home about at 6pm and rode a motorbike. He went there alone at that time, he called his friend to come with him but no body came with. So he came by himself. Bora was there with his friends and lots of his neighbor. About 1 hour he saw somebody stayed behind his friend that sat other table and he saw that woman with long white dress. But he doesn't mind it. While he was riding on the street he thought that" if have the ghost that follow me what will i do??". He was just finished thinking and he saw one woman on the paddy. That woman was a ghost!! She followed Bora and got her long tongue with the eyes got out. Bora was really scared and he rode his motor very fast. The next morning Bora was sick and he called the monk to coure his sickness. Bora found out that the ghost was his friend's wife and she still wanted to stay in this village because when she was alive she love this village so much. She died because of her sickness.
One night I saw a strange animal in the forest when I go to there .Then I follow them because I want to know about them very well because I saw them have a wing and big than other animal.Then I saw it do many activity like fly into the sky and then fallen into the ground and it shouted loudly and I very afraid of them .Then it look around them self and it saw me and I look into him too and I it have big eye and like a fire in eye and then it shout I saw a fire get from it mouth and then I think it is a dragon and I am very happy and afraid because I never see it .
Then I run into my house and I shout dragon dragon then I see a lot of people come and I tell them about it they don't believe me then I say if everybody don't believe please come with me then they follow me when we got there we see this dragon then they say they believe me .
They say thank you to me and I'm very happy because they believe me and I can see animal that I never see .From today I tell this story to children nearly my house and I tell my friend at my school and small child .
Pollution Can Destroy Earth
Nowadays we had lots of chemical all over the world . People at country wanted to sold their vegetables faster so they used chemical spray to make it grew fast by low price . When they spray their farm with chemical the insects in their farm was reduce from 10 till 2 or 3 , such as frogs or useful insects ....... ! Factories create smoke such as cigarettes , drugs . Some people cut the tree for their money . They didn't care how the weather it was . They only think they wanted money for their family . And new modern transportation is coming continue by the factories , such as a cars , motorbikes , planes , ships and the most pollution is factories . People need it to carry us or something from one place to one place by faster . It easy but u know it a bad thing for the earth . It was not a good thing and it change the weather , sun became hotter than before . And rain is acid that will decay the street or our house and it came from the cloud that absorb from factories .
If we want to reduce it , we must keep the streets clean because they are in a mess . And create transporter no pollution , such as a car use battery . That battery is absorb from the sun . And we plants lots of trees to reduce the sound and water . do not create lots of nuclear because now we didn't have the war . We ate nature vegetables and plants vegetables by no chemical spray . We didn't plants the vegetables by using chemical . And we didn't cut the tree too much for money . We hope that we don't have too much pollution in our planet .
My friend was death

My friend was die,because he hate his mom that hit him.i cannot believe that hate his mom like this.
1 day my friend Lucy walked a way in the street,while she saw a rost flowers,so she bought it for her mother.when she get home she saw her mother was sick and fail down on the floor.she mother had a cancer on her heart,so she will get hecr mother to the hospital.But,unfortunately her mother was die on the street.she will regret so much that she can't help her mother,so she made a big grave to her mother.when they made brave already she went to the tallest building and jump down,suddenly had a man was walked on the street and looked to the sky to found hisw friend house and shout loudly.but my friend afraid and she fail down.5 minuths later her husband was came and got her to the hospital,the doctor can helped her,but she might an operation.she was very scary that operation.but she wanted to saw her mother on the ground.Her husband said;How can you do with a child?i can't take care him that without,so you must operation,so she was agree and the got her to the operation room.2 hours later the doctor finished and her wife was ok.He was very happy and made a big party at his house.
Let's talk about my FUTURE !!

That's my REAL story :D .....
I'm a changeable person who always change my mind every time I want. And I try to think and ask myself that, "What am I gonna be in the future?".
First of all, when I was 5, I wanted to be a Teacher. I thought that it was an easy job for me. But suddenly, I had changed my mind when I was 9. My father wanted me to be a Doctor. Instead I don't like it, because I am afraid of BLOOD. But to support my father idea, I tried to be a Doctor.
Unfortunately, I changed my mind again when I was 13. I wanted to be an Air-Attendant. I really like that, instead of being a Doctor. I like to fly, and I really wanna be an Air-Attendant.
But stupidly now, I've changed. I afraid of the accident on the airplane. So... NOW I've decided to be an Ambassador. I think it's the most suitable profit for me. It's fun and simple.
But I don't know that I will change my mind again later. That's why, I think that I am a changeable person. :)
My favorite places
I have a lot of my favorite places.One of my favorite places is Kep because it's a famous place in Cambodia and it's a place where people go to relax at the beach.I always go there to swim in the sea and eat sea food on the beach.It's a very enjoyable place for people that are stressed or not having enough fun in their lives.My second favorite place is Seam Riep because it has a lot of amazing temples built by the people of Cambodia long time ago.My favorite temple is Angkor wat.It's very big and beautiful with very old sculpture of Khmer apsara and all of the emperors in the hisstory of Cambodia.My second favorite temple is Ta proum.It's very similar to Angkor wat but it's smaller.I visited those temples long time ago and I wish to visit it again soon.
My favorite place to go

One of my favorite to go is Tamao'smountain,Which is a zoo and natural resort.Tamao zoo is a good place to see wild animals because there are alot of different kinds of wild animals which you have never seen in your life.Some animal nearly dissapear from our country.There are a lot of beautiful birds and also crocodiles.Tamao's mountain is also a natural resort with young green trees.There are alot of big trees which were grown many years ago.If you climb up the rock ,You will see beautiful landscape around Tamao.Tamao is also a good place to relax and eat delicious cheap food.In the middle of the zoo,There are some good food staffs where you can have lunch there.Moreover,There is a museum near the zoo.You will know alot of name of the trees if you go into the museum.There are a lot of people visit Tamao mountain every day.
what I want ?
Hi all my friend in the blog ! today I want to tell every one about my self what I want . every year always have a nice day in the December , the day is the merry christmas . in the movie or in he book story also have a santaclaus come in he house and give the gift or the candy to another one in the house. Is the same me I want have a santaclouse come in my house and give me a gift or some candies to me . but i think it can not , and the merry christmas it nearly coming soon so I will buy some candies or some gift to give some one . and i should make a party in my school or any place that I want . and I want my school is have a party too. So when the day marry christmas coming don't for get make a party with your friend , your teacher and your family too.if our school have a party do you come or not ? the finally I want to say happy happy merry christmas it coming soon I hope have a santaclouse in the everybody house :0 .
Bad accident for my friend

One day when i went to the park with my sister while i saw man stole money at the street,so i shout loudly and the thief was ran away and i continue to the part with my sister.when i was walking i saw a big market near the part,so i went to bought something in them.
when i bought already i will went to the park,while i saw my old friend at that too.i am very surprise that i saw him and i miss him so much,so we when to ate something at the restaurant and told something about i saw at the street.when i told him already he told me back about his father.when he father visited at England suddenly the airplane was fail down and his father was a bad story for him.when we ate something already we want home together.when i am at home i told my friend father to my mom.she said it a bad story for him.she cannot believe it that happened,she said tomorrow she went to visited my friend mom and i went to slept together.
My class in yl10

Hi everybody in blog!I am very happy that I came to blog first.And I really happy that I study with my teacher and my all friends in yl10.
I study in yl10 I thought that it it sometime difficult.But I really want to study.My teacher is Phillip.He good at teach.He is very good at explain me.
I also like all friends in my class too.They are very funny when I studied with them.I also really want to study with them forever.They are very clever and they are helpful.When friends are didn't know about something they help them explain them when they didn't know about something.
Finally I think that my class in yl10 are very happy,funny,helpful,and also interested that I study with them and my teacher.I hope I can study with them and my teacher again.
Time to say good bye to you
Hi again!!!!!!... to blog and it is a last blog that I write . I still remember the first day that i writing blog...... I was very nervous and I think that it was very difficult for me . but when I enjoy it it not really difficult for me now it is the last day that I writing blog and I want to say GOOD BYE to blog and my best teacher Mr.s PHILLIP.
In this term I can improve mywriting skill my typing skill my spelling skill by writing blog. The first blog that I witing is about my self to blog by one day to one day I was very interesting in bog sometimes i feel very boring and fell lonely I like to use blog to help me that time while I was writing blog my brain was very soft because I think that blog is one of the best thing for me too.
When I study at YL10 i fell very happy with my friend and my teacher Blog also just my best friend too it can help me alot i alway sahow my feeling my opinion to blog.I don't know when I 'm going to use blog again and I don't want to leave blog . the last think that i didn't do yet is the word" THANKS YOU" to my really good teatcher PHILLIP thank you every thing while i was study in yl10 you help me alot and i never forget you I'll remember you .I don't want to say good bye to blog to myteacher and to my class.
Nearly the end of the term....... I just want to say good bye to blog and to my teacher I don't want to say good bye to blog but blog just a websiteso i had only the good bye word for it.
10 week to yl10 is a very short time for me so the last word that i'm gonna say is GOOD BYE:(

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