Hi again!!!!!!... to blog and it is a last blog that I write . I still remember the first day that i writing blog...... I was very nervous and I think that it was very difficult for me . but when I enjoy it it not really difficult for me now it is the last day that I writing blog and I want to say GOOD BYE to blog and my best teacher Mr.s PHILLIP.
In this term I can improve mywriting skill my typing skill my spelling skill by writing blog. The first blog that I witing is about my self to blog by one day to one day I was very interesting in bog sometimes i feel very boring and fell lonely I like to use blog to help me that time while I was writing blog my brain was very soft because I think that blog is one of the best thing for me too.
When I study at YL10 i fell very happy with my friend and my teacher Blog also just my best friend too it can help me alot i alway sahow my feeling my opinion to blog.I don't know when I 'm going to use blog again and I don't want to leave blog . the last think that i didn't do yet is the word" THANKS YOU" to my really good teatcher PHILLIP thank you every thing while i was study in yl10 you help me alot and i never forget you I'll remember you .I don't want to say good bye to blog to myteacher and to my class.
Nearly the end of the term....... I just want to say good bye to blog and to my teacher I don't want to say good bye to blog but blog just a websiteso i had only the good bye word for it.
10 week to yl10 is a very short time for me so the last word that i'm gonna say is GOOD BYE:(

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