Today! Many people in Phnom Penh think about their health because their health is not good enough . Many people said that in Khmer rouge many people died because they had no food to eat but now It's not like that Many people died because they have many kind of to eat.So Many senior citizens go to to the park in Phnom Penh to have an exercise to make their body slim and healthy.
Some people they don't need to do an exercise they just go to the hotel and other place to have swimming ,sauna , jacuzzi,or massage to make their be healthy too.At the riverside park people said If they do an exercise for one or two hours per day ,their health will be better and they always tell their neighbor to do it like them. Now you can see senior ,teenager,and other junior citizens , they always do an exercise,after that they don't eat junk food .
One day,I asked one woman about it.she said "If I do it everyday It can make my health to be healthy and the body is slim."After that I asked the doctor about this too ,He said " All people should do an exercise everyday to get a beautiful life.and they gonna be okay with their health ".the last He said " make sure that your power ability is enough to your exercise .
Now We should look at to the disease today,many people got the cancer .they all think that is the disease for the one who are very wealthy,and for the poor people can't treat it,so they wait for their death.but you should think that the wealthy people will die as soon as their disease is strong enough to kill that people.
Here my word for you is " You shouldn't eat the junk food ,and You should do more exercise and You should think that our life is on our mind".
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