On Monday next week is the last day to get points for our projects. Now I want to get more than 1o projects to get high score. My story that I want to told is ''A real ghost story''.
On day is a holiday my cousins are came to visited my house, and at night I was sleep with them and I coax them to play card and do something else. when we going sleepy we're stopped play and went to sleep but when we're went to sleep we aren't sleep so my cousin name soma's told me about the real ghost story at her province. The story is: at her province and near her house have person that lost mind( kim). one day all her friend are coax person that lost mind to go for a walk and then that person is give permission to her mother but her mother said that she don't want kim to go because they go to swim at river and her mother scared that she drown. but her friend told her mother that don't worry not go only 2 people we're going to there are a lot.
so her mother told kim's friend : please take care kim.And they all said that don't worry and they go.when during they swim kim was swim far away from her friends and she was drown, at 4:30 they arrived home but can't find kim they're all think that kim is go home first ,so they go home. when they're arrived home they all can't find kim. They're all started to worry, they're share that some people find at this and some people find at there but can't see kim all her friend think that we can try to find at the river. when they're found at the river they saw one person so they think that kim. when look her face is kim. kim's mother is blame her friend very much. (one month ago). At night one person(bora) go to swim and then saw one person that swim in the river too, so bora ask that why you swim in this river you don't scared ghost, she said I don't scared ghost so bora tell her about kim story and than she said do you want to met kim, he's said want because he want to ask some questions, and then the girl said that if you see you scared or not. Bora said no, so she want Bora to close eyes when bora close eyes she being a kim then she said you can open your eyes now. when he opened his eyes he saw kim likes he want. so he was swoon wnen the sun shine he's woke up but he's sick, when his parents saw he sick they called monks to take care him.(the end)
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