If asked what you value most in life , what would you say ? Chances are that good friends would be high your list . Write about a good friend and tell why you value him or her .
For me , I had a lots friends at school . Khmer and English school . I had a lot of best friends and simple friends . But my friends that I like the most is study Khmer with me . He is a very good friends I ever had . I love him as my brother and We always help each other and I knew him maybe 5 or 6 years since I was grade 5 . His name Seng . We study together , go to school together and come home together everyday . I also played sports or games with him every weekend . I was proud of him because he is a good man and he study hard and he is outstanding student . I also asked him about study and we did homework together as well . We enjoyed our life because we had a good experience and good memorizing . We always shared information technology each other when we knew about new software . We also talked about phone that incredible and superb technology . My parents never let me go for a walk with friends but when he came to my house , my mother always let me go with him only . Because he is my good friend .
And my value friend one more is name Ly Hang He try to help me to school when I didn't had a motorbike or when I didn't had enough money to school he also let me to borrow him . I also played football at Olympic Stadium . He took me from home to stadium all the time . He study Khmer with me also and when at the morning me and him went to ate breakfast together and with my simple friends . He didn't study well but I always help him . He didn't want something from me and I didn't want something from him too . He didn't knew about technology so much but I fixed his software all the time . I'm not good at electronic but I can do it well . He try to made me a good student and a good man in the country . When sometime my phone no money he gave me his phone to borrow to my home . He gave me everything all I want but it didn't mean I request him or it expensive . He also my best friends .
My last best friend name Roth . He is a professional of information technology because his house open Internet for rent . He knew all story that communicate with PC or internet . I always asked every day about news because he check the news website everyday . He was study Khmer with when he was grade 8 but the class had a lots student so his mother decided to change his school to private Khmer school . I never met him on that time until I study grade 11 . I just saw him and met and talked to him and finally I asked him for phone number . only phone could communicate us to talked . I asked him a lots about technology . His value is he never cost on internet when I played at his house . So I can download a lots software or mp3 or videos unlimited .
3 of them is the most value friends I ever had . They had their good one by one . I love them all .
I like your picture!