while i was walking home from school i saw a bad accident that i ever seen.I saw a big bus drove very fast and have one boy rode a bike out of the school and then the bus crashed this boy .I think bus driver had drunk beer i known by people say he drunk .after the car crashed have many people come and look this boy then they call to the police to caught the bus and call the ambulance to help this boy.
when i got home i told my mum about that but, she don't believe me then i said if you don't believe me can you go to the hospital with me I said my mum say yes when she say yes i am very happy because i want my mum believe one thing i want to met this boy . two weeks ago ,when i came home from school my mum said please change the clothes and go to the hospital with me .when i travel to the hospital i talked about this every time .when i got there i ask doctor where the boy had an accident last week doctor said can you come with me i say yes and i follow the doctor to met that when i met him i am very shy because i don't know him then the boy say why you come here ? I say i saw you had an accident i tell my mum she don't believe me now i want her come and look you .And i want you to be my friend.
haha so love story :D