Last week while I was walking home from school I saw a crime.It was a man wearing a black mask walking out of a house with a big bag.He was wearing a white T-shirt with black stripes then I thought" who is he,what is he doing?"so I went in to the house and I saw the owner crying and said " he took all of my money! please help me! please".I was so surprise and felt sorry for them because I didn't know he was a robber so I went back to my house and told my parents about what I saw.My parents felt so sorry for them too but what can they do?
A few day later I saw the same man again.He was walking straight to me.He was holding a knife covered with blood so I took out my phone to call the police but he was walking faster and closer to me then he walked past me.
At first I was so scared but a few minutes later I got better so I called the police.A few moments later the police came asked me where he is so I pointed to the direction he went.In the end the caught him and put him in jail forever.
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