Last week while i was walking home from school at 8:00 at night i saw a boy came out from bank and got 2 big of bag and i don't know what is in it,and he came to talking with me.{Can i borrow your phone call to my father?},i ask him why you call to your father,he said,(i wanted give him some money) so i give my phone to him,while i saw 1 boy run to eat hot dog,so i went to bought it.when i came back,and i didn't saw him,so i went to the bank quickly and a manager told me,he is a thief.he stole my money so now i called to the pollice.5 minutes later the pollice come to the bank.he ask when did you see him.i said,5 minutes a go.please halped the police officer,and i went home quickly and told my father.my father was very angry so much,and i cry 2 day.3 day later the police called to me ,he can cought already and nown Can you coming to the police station,i said yes,when i came i saw the thief i went to fight him 2 leg and 1 hand.so the police this is your phone,i said,yes.so the police gave me the phone and he cought the thief into the cage.
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