Last week while I was walking home from school, I saw a crime. It was in one bank.And it had 4 or 5 thieves in this bank.They used guns and they said that all people in this bank sat down in one place. Then,they closed all the door.In those time had a lot of police and people came to see.After that, the police said that all thieves in the bank stopped please polices would come in.And then, one of the thieves said that if u didn't allow me to go outside,I will killed someone in this.
After 5 or 6 minute police said that okay! But u didn't kill someone in this.When they heard police said ,they gave one person in this bank put the money in their pocketbook.And then, they escaped one person in this bank to went outside.They escaped one and one.Then, they saw have one person that not yet to go.Then, they discussed.They got him to their hostage .After that, one of the thieves fire a guns to menace police.When polices heard the bullet,they was planning to catch them.After that, police said"don't do something to him .He would give them went outside."Then, they got their hostage and walked quietly and quietly.After that, police said "didn't do anything that crazy please gave us catch easy".And then, had the polices behind of thieves and polices in front of them were say something to invested time and attracted to in though to be good for them.When polices in front of them said to them ,polices in behind of them went to enter furtively and caught them.Finally,police caught them and the hostage didn't have wound.So,I though that did a police was interesting and could help a lot of people.
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