Last week while I was walking home from school I saw a crime in front of my house . I was very scared because in that situation I saw 3 robbers got off their motorbike and armed to the man that stopped near them , and they said " Hand Up " and then " Get Out your car now or I shoot you " The man in the car was so scared and get out the car and said " What do u want ? Money or Something , Please don't kill me " The robbers Shout to the man " I want your car " . The man look like scared said " OK , I'll give up , you can take the car now " . The two robbers was went to their motorbike and only one robber got in to the car and drove fast as possible as he can . No one could help him because on their robbers hands got the long and short guns . When the police arrived , the police called the people who closed to the man to asked about the situation . It had me also that stand near close to him and saw all the action . I told the police that I remembered the robbers motorbike and their body . 2 month ago the police caught them and the man was the robbers robed gave a big smile and said " Thanks you brother about your clues to police " and I said " We always help each other when we had trouble " .
Yesterday next to my house was burgled . The owner of the house was my neighbor I didn't know the this event also because it midnight and that time I was sleep . At that day my neighbor went to vacation about 5 days , so they closed their house . At the morning I saw the terrible messy and the police was covered the house by no one could touch anything . The police found a lot of clues and caught the burglar only 2 weeks later .
About a month ago I was read the newspaper and saw the thief was stolen the computer in Apple store . The camera was caught his face and found him at the police station . It very difficult for the police to found him because he changed his background . so the police couldn't found him . and he was the first person that police still find .
At prey veng province had a kidnapped that 2 thieves was put the poison medicine to the glasses of beer and took the man to the hided place and called to his relative . The two thieves wanted 8 million riel . The relative was too much scared and hurry took money to took the man back . The relative had the planned with the police to caught them . When they arrived they was safe because the police was caught them already !
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