Thursday 13 October 2011

The Box

I was walking down the street when I saw a small wooden box by the road. Suddenly, I heard a voice say, "Help, Let me out of hear!" To my Surprise, the voice was coming from the box. I replied back to the box "Who are you?". "If you you help me, I'll give you what you desire!" The box said. Then I decided to walk closely to the box and saw what it is. Bang!! I kicked the box away because I've clearly seen that there was a very tiny old man, stood there. I'm really freaking out. I screamed loudly and decided to run away. Two days later, I was walking down the street again and still, the wooden box was there. I tried to be patient and talked to box again. "Who are you?" I shouted. "Please, Help me! I'll give you what you desire." The box said. "How can I gonna help you?" I replied. "Just grab me out of this stupid box". Suddenly, I grabbed him out of the box and put him down the road. "So what is your desire?" The man said with a beautiful smile. "I wanna be rich" I said. "Absolutely, I can help you" He smiled. "So You can just go back to your home now!". I walked back to my house with a hopeless dream. The next morning, I noticed that, someone was knocking my door, So I decided to walk through the door. Then I opened the door "Oh My God!!", I screamed loudly. There was nobody here but I've saw a hurden box of gold in front of my house. I was pretty surprise, and then I screamed loudly to the sky "Thank You very much, My little man". I went back inside my house with a hundred box of gold and lived happier ever after.


  1. Excellent, Pisey! This was very entertaining to read and you have used some grrrreat vocabulary!!

  2. Thanks!!I'll always try my best :D
